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Chakra: The 7 Wheels of Fortune

We live in a day where a simple search for “chakra” brings up more than 44million results in Google. So many people have said so many different things about the chakras meanings that it’s become almost impossible to sift the correct information from the wrong. There are a lot of well-intentioned but erroneous or misinformed sources – which is why, as a leading psychic website, we decided to bring you this detailed and accurate report on the seven chakras.

Chakras for Beginners and Nonpsychics

Neuroscience has only recently begun to explore what Indian mystics so elaborately described thousands of years ago – that we have seven important neuro-centers in our body-energy system. And that the health and well-being of each center can affect the whole system. These energy hubs are what the mystics have termed 7 chakras, and each one is connected to several human organs.

What are chakras – spiritually?

Each one of our organs is connected to an emotion – for example, our heart to love, our liver to anger, our kidneys to fear, our neck to expression. When we fail to say something, we feel a knot in our throat. Or, when we can’t digest bad news, our digestive system gets affected. When we cry deeply after a beloved, our heart aches. These is no coincidence here – our bodies are complex, and so are our emotions. The chakras distill this complexity into easily understandable information.

Here are our seven chakras, their locations, areas of influence, physical associations, a brief chakras test to understand the state of each chakra, and tips on how to open your chakras.

First Chakra / Root Chakra
Sanskrit name: Muladhara
Color: Red
Location: Base of our spine, in our coccygeal plexus.
Associated organs: Feet, legs, knees, hip joints, buttocks, bones, intestines. Diseases in any of the associated organs connote a chakra imbalance. Signs of a healthy first chakra: If you have a balanced first chakra, you’ll generally have good health. You have vitality and feel well-grounded when faced with difficult situations. You have a sense of trust in the world and you feel safe. You have the right job and feel you can create prosperity for yourself. You can meet your own basic needs. Your “base” in the world is solid – physically and financially.

First chakra test

Closed First Chakra – Yes/No questions
1. Do you feel disconnected from your body?
2. Do you have financial difficulty?
3. Are you notably underweight?
4. Do you have difficulty focusing on tasks? Lack of discipline?
5. Do you tend to be anxious, nervous, restless or fearful?

If you answered yes to 3 or more questions above, your first chakra is closed, or deficient.

Excessively Open First Chakra – Yes/No questions
1. Are you an overeater? A binge eater?
2. Do you hoard stuff?
3. Are you obsessed with checking where every penny goes?
4. Do you feel lazy? Tired all the time?
5. Is your routine unchangeable? Are you addicted to schedules and sameness?

If you answered yes to 3 or more questions above, your first chakra is too open, or excessive.

First chakra balancing

People who experienced trauma at birth, whose mothers weren’t fully there for them during infancy and childhood – physically, emotionally or spiritually – will have an either closed or excessively open first chakra.

Reconnecting with your body through exercise, exploring your past relationship with your mother through working with an advisor who’s especially supportive, and massage therapy will greatly help balance this chakra.

Second Chakra / Sacral Chakra
Sanskrit name: Svadhisthana
Color: Orange
Location: Bellow the belly button, sacral plexus
Associated organs:Spleen, reproductive system, low back, urinary organs. Diseases in any of the associated organs connote a chakra imbalance.
Signs of a healthy second chakra: If you have a healthy second chakra, you have emotional intelligence. You flow with life, experiencing pleasure, grace and nurturance. You are flexible, and you have a healthy sexual life – physically and emotionally. You have good boundaries in place – your yes is a yes and your no is a no. You change your mind only when the desire comes from within you.
Second chakra test

Closed Second Chakra – Yes/No questions
1. Do you feel that you don’t have good social skills?
2. Is it difficult for you to truly enjoy physical sensations?
3. Do you lack desire and passion for life?
4. Is your sexuality dry or unexciting?
5. Is your sensuality dry or unexciting?

If you answered yes to 3 or more questions above, your second chakra is closed, or deficient.

Excessively Open Second Chakra – Yes/No questions
1. Are you addicted to sex?
2. Are your emotions too strong, causing you to lose ground and balance?
3. Do you seduce others to get what you want?
4. Are you overly sensitive? Sometimes taking on others’ negativity?
5. Do you get attached too easily?

If you answered yes to 3 or more questions above, your second chakra is too open, or excessive.

Second chakra balancing

People who have been emotionally or sexually abused in childhood develop second chakra problems later in life. Religious severity or imposition of strict moral rules prevent the child from learning to let go and experiencing pleasure. This continues throughout life, unless worked on with an advisor.

Dance, movement therapy, learning to find and experience pleasure, emotional release, connecting with your inner child, finding healthy sexual boundaries will greatly help balance this chakra.

Third Chakra / Naval Chakra
Sanskrit name: Manipura
Color: Yellow
Location: Upper abdomen, solar plexus
Associated organs: Stomach, pancreas, liver, gall bladder, all muscles in the body. Diseases in any of the associated organs connote a chakra imbalance.
Signs of a healthy chakra: If you have a healthy third chakra, you are a reliable, responsible person with a strong and healthy will. You have the right amount of self-esteem and personal power. You are warm towards others, and you have a sense of humor. You don’t make fun of others to feel good about yourself. Your jokes are honest. For you, problems are exciting challenges to learn from and to grow. You have good energy and a lot of healthy confidence.
Third chakra test

Closed Third Chakra – Yes/No questions
1. Are you easily manipulated? Do you have low self-esteem?
2. Do you need stimulants like caffeine to function normally?
3. Do you suffer from chronic fatigue?
4. Is your digestion weak?
5. Do you blame others for your problems?

If you answered yes to 3 or more questions above, your third chakra is closed, or deficient.

Excessively Open Third Chakra – Yes/No questions
1. Are you dominating? Controlling others?
2. Do you always have to be right? Highly stubborn?
3. Are you extremely type A?
4. Do you deceive others to get what you want?
5. Are you attracted to sedatives?

If you answered yes to 3 or more questions above, your third chakra is too open, or excessive.

Third chakra balancing

People who were shamed as children, who were punished, beaten, or dominated by overly controlling parents develop third chakra problems later in life. Also, sometimes, when a little child has to take too much responsibility, such as taking care of his siblings, his third chakra will be affected.

Martial arts, running, going to the gym, and especially Pilates and ab-work will be useful to balance this chakra. Deep relaxation and gentle touch through massage will also greatly help. Working on anger issues will be especially healing.

Fourth Chakra / Heart Chakra
Sanskrit name: Anahata
Color: Green
Location: Chest, cardiac plexus
Associated organs:Heart, lungs, breasts, arms, blood circulation, immune system. Diseases in any of the associated organs connote a chakra imbalance.
Signs of a healthy fourth chakra: If you have a healthy fourth chakra, you are a naturally compassionate, loving person. You also have a very good relationship with yourself – you are self-loving and peaceful. You are there for yourself when you fail. You can empathize with others easily, and when you can, you help others with grace and affection. You are soft, sweet and friendly.
Fourth chakra test

Closed Fourth Chakra – Yes/No questions
1. Do you prefer to be alone than with people?
2. Do you find yourself to be critical of yourself or others?
3. Do your dates not turn into relationships?
4. Are you frequently depressed?
5. Do you have a narcissistic bent?

If you answered yes to 3 or more questions above, your fourth chakra is closed, or deficient.

Excessively Open Fourth Chakra – Yes/No questions
1. Are you a codependent person?
2. Are you overly sacrificing, disregarding your own needs?
3. Is being on your own too difficult for you?
4. Do you tend to get jealous easily?
5. Do you stay in relationships long after the love is gone?

If you answered yes to 3 or more questions above, your fourth chakra is too open, or excessive.

Fourth chakra balancing

Children who felt rejected, i.e. not loved for who they really are, but expected to fit a certain ideal, or who lost loved ones early in life may develop a closed or too-open heart chakra. Children who experienced betrayal of any kind also get wounded in the heart chakra.

Breathing exercises, journaling or writing a memoir, and working with a therapist or an advisor will greatly help balance this chakra. Working on self-acceptance, connecting with the inner child within and listening and honoring that child’s needs will bring balance to this beautiful chakra.

Fifth Chakra / Throat Chakra
Sanskrit name: Vishuddha
Color: Turquoise
Location: Base of throat
Associated organs:throat, neck, thyroid gland, ears, jaw, vocal cords. Diseases in any of the associated organs connote a chakra imbalance.
Signs of a healthy chakra:If you have a healthy fifth chakra, you are both a great communicator and a great listener. You know how to express yourself well, and you also give others an equal chance to express themselves. You live creatively, giving ample time and space to your talents.
Fifth chakra test

Closed Fifth Chakra – Yes/No questions
1. Do you have difficulty translating your emotions into words?
2. Are you afraid to speak up when you see a wrongdoing being done?
3. Do you have a small, weak voice?
4. Are you excessively introverted?
5. Are you tone deaf?

If you answered yes to 3 or more questions above, your fifth chakra is closed, or deficient.

Excessively Open Fifth Chakra – Yes/No questions
1. Are you overly talkative?
2. Do you use talking as a defense?
3. Do you have difficulty being a good listener?
4. Do you gossip?
5. Do you frequently interrupt people?

If you answered yes to 3 or more questions above, your fifth chakra is too open, or excessive.

Fifth chakra balancing

Children whose parents lie to them, whose parents criticize them too much or constantly shush them, will have fifth chakra problems later in life. Also children with alcoholic or substance-dependent parents tends to develop fifth chakra issues.

Neck massage, journaling, singing are activities that help this chakra to find balance. Learning effective communication skills, including both communicating and listening, will help as well. When working with an advisor, be as honest as you can be – honesty opens this chakra.

Sixth Chakra / Third-eye Chakra
Sanskrit name: Ajna
Color: Indigo
Location: Third eye, carotid plexus
Associated organs:Eyes, memory. Diseases in any of the associated organs connote a chakra imbalance.
Signs of a healthy chakra: If you have a healthy sixth chakra, you are intuitive and perceptive. You see into situations. You have a very good memory, and symbols speak to you. You remember your dreams and you instinctively understand what they represent.
Sixth chakra test

Closed Sixth Chakra – Yes/No questions
1. Do you have problems with your eyes?
2. Is visualizing your future difficult for you?
3. Do you have poor memory?
4. Do you lack imagination?
5. Do you not have any dreams? Or you have them but you have difficulty remembering them?

If you answered yes to 3 or more questions above, your sixth chakra is closed, or deficient.

Excessively Open Sixth Chakra – Yes/No questions
1. Do you have recurrent or frequent nightmares?
2. Are you in denial about certain truths? Even to the degree of being delusional?
3. Do you have difficulty concentrating on tasks?
4. Do you get obsessed with things?
5. Do you have hallucinations?

If you answered yes to 3 or more questions above, your sixth chakra is too open, or excessive.

Sixth chakra balancing

People who experience extremely frightening environments as children, such as terrorism, war, or heavy domestic violence, tend to develop sixth chakra problems later in life. People whose parents are scared of psychic phenomena raise children with wounded intuitions.

Drawing, painting visual art, coloring all help to balance this chakra. Working with an advisor on interpreting your dreams too can help this chakra greatly. Finding information about your past lives will also release traumas from this chakra.

Seventh Chakra / Crown Chakra
Sanskrit name: Sahasrana
Color: Violet
Location: Top of head, cerebral cortex
Associated organs: Head, brain. Diseases in any of the associated organs connote a chakra imbalance.
Signs of a healthy chakra: If you have a healthy seventh chakra, you are a good learner. You have an innate ability to receive, analyze and assimilate new information, adding it to what you already know. You are open-minded and aware. You believe in questioning given truths, and you feel spiritually connected.
Seventh chakra test

Closed Seventh Chakra – Yes/No questions
1. Are you cynical?
2. Do you have leaning difficulties?
3. Are you apathetic towards meaning of life?
4. Do you subscribe to rigid religious or spiritual systems?
5. Are you too concerned with worldly pursuits?

If you answered yes to 3 or more questions above, your seventh chakra is closed, or deficient.

Excessively Open Seventh Chakra – Yes/No questions
1. Do you over-intellectualize everything?
2. Are you addicted to spirituality, forgetting that you inhabit a physical body with important needs?
3. Are you confused about your being here on earth? About the purpose life serves?
4. Do you feel disconnected from your body?
5. Do you suffer from migraines or cognitive difficulties?

If you answered yes to 3 or more questions above, your seventh chakra is too open, or excessive.

Seventh chakra balancing

Children who receive dogmatic education that leaves no room for independent thinking grow up with wounded seventh chakras. Also, in strict religious communities where questioning isn’t allowed, children’s seventh chakra get damaged.

Meditation, exploring different spiritual traditions, reading and learning about others’ paths, opening the mind in general will greatly help to balance this chakra. Working with an advisor, exploring beliefs that limit the self, will bring serenity to this chakra.

How can an online chakra reading help you?
Chakras vibrate in different frequencies and a good chakra reader can sense them. If you need more information about chakras meaning, including a personal chakra evaluation, and individual tips on how to balance chakras, simply talk to one of our live chakra readers now.

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