by Astrology Expert, Sonya Starr Angel

Happy Birthday, Virgo! Your birthday year may be starting off with less excitement than usual, but the tides will be turning in your direction as the year proceeds. Areas of life related to money,independence, and confidence will be taking center stage this year.
You will find yourself evaluating your personal goals and desires when it comes to both love and finances. Positive life changes are on the horizon. Continue reading to find out what is in store for you over the next year!

Your sun sign ruler, Mercury, will be retrograde near or during your birthday this year (August 30 to September 22). Your birthday may start out on shaky ground, so be careful of any rash decision making or poor choices that could negatively impact you for the long-term. Limit yourself to only one or two birthday drinks to avoid some relationship complications. An affair or new relationship that started prior to your birthday remains your central focus for love through the autumn months.

You have luck and charisma on your side when it comes to communication with your partner. Expect things to be smooth sailing from October through the rest of 2016. When issues to arise, you have the gift of communication to smooth talk your way out of problems. This is a quiet phase for your love life,so enjoy the peace while it lasts. During this time, you may be taking an inward journey as to what YOU want out of your love life. In the past, you may be more focused on your partner’s well-being to the point that you neglect what is best for you. 2016 is a year to put your own needs first and strive for balance in your love life.

Peace continues in 2017 for a while. Expect to serve your relationships as the mature leader. A relationship crisis may come up early in the year, but your rational presence will limit any potential damages. Starting in February 2017, you may be experiencing some feistiness when it comes to your love life. Don’t be surprised if you or your partner become more open to new adventures in the bedroom that normally would have been outside of your comfort zone. In April 2017, a new family member may appear in your life. This could be an estranged relative, a new baby, or a new in-law. Welcome this person into your life, for you have the potential for a life-long, special bond with him or her.

Around mid-year of 2017, you may be entering a challenging period for your love life. This is not the time to fight or argue with your partner. Do what you can to let the conflict pass by you as quickly as you can. Things could get out-of- hand fast if you are not careful. Monitoring your emotions will help avoid a temporary or permanent separation!

This birthday year is a great time to assess who you are and where you want to be in life. Are you 100% satisfied with your career and financial situation? If not, plan what you want to change and make reasonable goals. The rest of 2016 has you fueled and full of energy to accomplish anything you set your mind to.

Along with this energy boost, you also will be noticing positive changes in your confidence and self- esteem. This can help power you to a new career path, promotion, or even starting your own business. A turning point lies ahead before the close of 2016. A solar eclipse in Virgo occurs on September 1 st . This powerful event will impact your career sector in the months to come. With the Mercury Retrogrades present so often in 2016, make sure you are crossing your “t’s” and dotting your “i’s”. A small mistake could have a butterfly effect around the end of 2016.

2017 is a year of hard work for your career and financial sectors. Do your best to be able to make time for your partner and family so that no resentment builds up. The stress is there, especially in March and May of 2017. While stress seems to hover around you through much of 2017, it gets incredibly overwhelming during these two months. This is a good time to plan ahead for a vacation to avoid some of the struggles at work. Considering the goals that you revised for yourself in 2016, plan on continuing higher education or any special training that may be required to attain those goals in 2017.

A solar eclipse in Virgo on September 1 st is one of the biggest key dates to watch out for in the coming year. Plan on having a lot of motivation and energy around this time. Saturn and Mars will also be coming together in a complementary manner at the beginning of December. Expect to gain more responsibility at home and work thanks to this planetary shift. If you handle the responsibility well you may just be setting yourself up for the news of a promotion early in 2017.

You start 2017 off in the middle of Mercury being retrograded. Anticipate your esteem and confidence to be heightened in January and onward. By the time you get to May of 2017, you will be enjoying some new perks thanks to your renewed self-assurance. During May, you will be faced with a personal challenge that only you can help yourself resolve. Your new, positive attitude will help you achieve happiness and seize any good opportunities that come your way. Challenges that you encounter in 2017 should be seen as positive opportunities for growth and self-fulfillment.

With the “new you” taking over by mid-2017, you are advised to be cautious in avoiding temptation. Your energy may be feeling “unstoppable” and on top of the world. However, there may be the risk of an addictive behavior entering your life. Watch out for substances in August 2017. This is a time where you could be turning to a drug too often, even if it is just coffee or something more figurative (like too much reality TV watching). The temptations should pass just in time for your birthday in 2017, which should be quite the celebratory event this time around!