A Psychic's
Life Experience:
Maya Moon
Psychic Maya Moon’s strong reputation comes from her genuine desire to be there for people. Her many experiences as a professional psychic have helped her to become a reliable and compassionate ally in her clients’ journeys towards true fulfillment.

Maya Moon is deeply inspired by the human soul and heart – her purpose in life is to guide people through to joy and clarity in their time of need. Read on for our personal interview with her; you’ll be moved to feel and reflect differently about your life and life in general.

When did you first realize you have a psychic gift?

By the time I was in my early teens I was able to define these gifts as psychic and intuitive abilities. I would meet someone for the first time and have telepathic images about their past experiences, which I would often share and to their amazement, they would validate.

I was shown future events; however, at that time we were unable to verify the accuracy. Often months or years later I would reconnect and be told that the predictions did occur.

What inspired you to deepen your psychic abilities?

I would say that a very profound vision I experienced at about age 7 became the most compelling inspiration for pursuing and exploring my gifts.

I had a very religious and vivid dream that matched my religious background. At the end of the dream I was told that I would someday be called upon to help others to find their inner faith and hope. And that I must learn to never look back, nor to fear that which lies between myself and my salvation or my own trust in faith. My focus must remain on all those who are willing to “cross the river” and to not be in despair over those that choose not to be saved.

Why did you choose to help people with their life challenges?

When I was about 12-13 years old and one of my best friends, Mary and her family were moving away from the Chicago area to Texas, we were all very upset. I began having vivid dreams of a fire and would wake up smelling smoke. I knew somehow this was a precognitive dream, but not for myself. I also felt compelled to urge Mary to make peace with her mother.

On the night after Christmas, while the family was still at their new home, faulty wiring on the tree caused a huge house fire. All of the occupants were able to get to safety except Mary’s mother.

This was devastating to the family as one can imagine and everyone was in such despair. Mary told me that she could never have lived with herself had her mother passed before they had made amends, the last thing Mary told her mother is, “I love you”. I remained in contact and talk to Mary a few times a year. She never fails to thank me for urging and pushing her to approach her mom, as although her death was still a tragic event, at least Mary had some comfort in knowing that her mom knew how much she was loved.

This experience showed me the beautiful and touching ways my gift could help others.

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Can you share a certain story in which you helped a client in the most significant way?

About 10 years ago at a time I still conducted in-person readings, I had a client, Laurie, who was seeking a medium reading. She was hoping to connect with her best friend who had passed away about 3 years earlier. Laurie was suffering from depression and survivor’s guilt, aside from the grief of losing a loved one. She felt intense guilt over the death of her best friend, Penney.

What happened was, after spending a full day and evening together along with Penney’s brother Steve, they headed home with Laurie driving. All were sober. While rounding a curve, several deer jumped onto the freeway giving Laurie no choice but to veer right and brake to avoid a head on collision. This resulted in slamming into several trees and Penney was killed on impact. Laurie and Penney’s brother were barely injured. Laurie was desperate to know if Penney was in peace and had forgiven Laurie.

Although I offered much reassurance and some validations, the message that I continued to receive did not appear to make any sense to Laurie. My guides kept showing me a purple ribbon, a purple flower, a box, and I relayed all of this to Laurie but she kept shaking her head. We ended the session which she recorded and I hoped that later this would make sense.

About 10 minutes after leaving, Laurie called me crying and sobbing, saying, “Lavender”, “Lavender” over and over. Once I calmed her down she explained that Penney’s last name was Lavender. My guides were not trying to show me items, they wanted me to name the color! Chills ripped through my body as Laurie continued by telling me that Penney would often joke with new friends and see if they could guess her last name by giving hints. Laurie had the validation and peace she had sought these past years. I saw her about 6 months later, she was happy, dating someone new and had finally been able to accept that her best friend’s death truly was an accident.

In your opinion, what is the most common issue that prevents people from living a fulfilling life?

By limiting themselves and their life to only a few specific outcomes rather than embracing the amazing potential and opportunity that awaits us all.

Do you think people should know all the truth about their future?

I do not feel that is even possible as our free will always means our life can and will change. However if it was possible, I do not feel it would serve our highest good to know everything.

How can people become more in tune with their intuition and inner powers?

By listening to that inner voice, but the most important thing is having full trust in our own self. If something feels right, it probably is, and if we feel uncomfortable or uncertain, we should pay attention to that feeling too! It’s always a sign.

Maya MoonMaya Moon
By Maya Moon
Specializing in: Psychic reading

"Over 20 years experience in providing psychic help and therapy to others." Connect With Maya Moon »