Member: peace2
nice, supportive, positive, and insightful as always.
Jul 29 2008
Member: peace2
100 stars, one of my very few , most favorite psychics.
Jul 22 2008
Member: EEC
We got cut off the first time but I can't say enough good things about him. He is the most wonderful reader on this site!!!!!!!!! He's expensive but SOOOOOOOO worth it.
Jul 20 2008
Member: EEC
LOVE HIM!!!!!! There aren't enough stars to rate him. Pleeeeeease give him a try. He is professional, sooooooo accurate, so insightful and soooo confident in his predictions. He is also very sweet.
Jul 20 2008
Member: peace2
always one of my few favorite readers on here, very insightful and accurate.
Jul 11 2008
Member: Sun4
very good
Jul 9 2008
Member: peace2
one of the very few readers on here that i can really trust on the insights.
Jul 7 2008
Member: sam
Sometimes u think more $ = more quality. not the case here. no extra insight nor wisdom imparted- just a lot of things u want to hear. asked me or my mate drove a silver car. yes i do. but as i read in other testimonials- he askd the same thing to another clietn!!! wtf. im sorry. i guess silver is a popular color for a car. then he said he would give a free spell. i'm not into spells but explaining the process in itself ate up about 1.5. nice way to take $30! i feel duped and will have learned my lesson.
Jul 6 2008
Member: sam
Amazing. and fast!
Jul 3 2008
Member: peace2
one of my few favorite readers on here.
Jul 3 2008
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  * Only ratings given for paid sessions under this category are counted.