Member: PinkPetal
she is the real deal
Aug 23 2014
Member: PinkPetal
prediction came true within time frame.. didnt expect it
Aug 11 2014
Member: MistyBlueMoon
helpful reading thank you
Aug 4 2014
Member: the wind in the trees
Thank you Judy -
Jul 3 2014
Member: LovelyMe
So sorry ran out of funds but thank u sooooo much. It was nice chatting to you and getting your feedback and insights on my situation. U have given me peace in my mind and heart :)
Jul 2 2014
Member: bird52
we will see
May 25 2014
Member: User_4xpx3a
very nice, detailed. we will see what happens.
May 19 2014
Member: LIfegen
excellent read. Very tuned in from what I was told and heard. Some timelines were given and not so far off.
May 17 2014
Member: Jasmine12
Shes very honest although it may hurt it helped me clear some things i was wondering....
May 3 2014
Member: Laurenne
a wonderful reading, 5 stars. I shall come back to you soon...
Apr 18 2014
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  * Only ratings given for paid sessions under this category are counted.