Member: Gryffindor
Wow! She's absolutely spot on with the question I asked about concerning my schooling. I was kind of surprised, because not only is she accurate but very nice about helping me out. I really like that, and I will definitely come back to her! She's the real deal, guys! Satisfied!
Nov 27 2011
Member: JennaC
I am so excited to write a review for this wonderful reader! When she says her timeframes are accurate she means it! If she says she sees a new job for you in February, you can rest assured that you will have a new job in february. I have been to many readers over the past several years and NONE of them have been able to give me accurate time frames. When I first read with her several years ago I had been out of work for nearly a year, she read for me in the spring of that year and told me I would not find a job until the fall. I didn't believe her and foolishly went to other readers hoping they would give me a sooner time frame but she turned out to be right. She has predicted more than one job change for me in the past year and has been right on the money with the timeframes. She is kind, caring and down to earth, I consider her more than just my psychic but also a caring friend. She really has your best interest at heart and is not just after your money like many of the readers on here, she will also not just tell you what you want to hear just to make you happy. She has predicted a relationship for me next year as well and I feel pretty confident that her time frame will for it will be accurate as well. You will not regret reading with her, she is the real thing and I have been to many, many readers over the past several years because I've been going through a very rough period in my life. She is also very good at picking up on personality traits and other details. I highly recommend her. Just be ready to hear the truth, if you are not ready to hear the truth, then don't bother, she is kind yet honest as a good pyschic should be, incredibly patient even when I ask her the same questions over and over again and will tell you what she sees for you, not what you want her to see. And remember, psychics don't know everything, they do their best to give you the right information but ultimately it is up to you to make the best decisions for your life as you see fit. She deserves 10 stars, not just five!
Nov 24 2011

  * Only ratings given for paid sessions under this category are counted.