Member: jimboy
nice reading ran out of funds
Dec 25 2012
Member: excited
Oct 12 2012
Member: greenlady
Horrible!! didn't not connect at all.. gave random advice: to basically keep on trying to apply for jobs and eventually someone will reply and give you an offer.. duh! and then said he sees me accepting a great offer in finance ( not my field at all) but as an admin and then he stated a salary range , which is over 50k less than what i make now, WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND takes a 50k paycut?? And after i told him how much i make now, he offers well there will be training involved and the salary in negiotiable, any smart person would know , no ones says im gonna offer 20 k but we can play wtih the number and then jumps up 20-50 k...also told him I was very educated and that even if i switch fields (since he was inferring that this paycut will offer me training which would lead to more money in another career) I have plently of work experience that I can switch to various fields and still would never settle for a 20k salary !! guy was cold reading and on crack.
Oct 11 2012
Member: New Life Guidance
This was my second reading with this psychic today. I just had a follow up question. But overall again, I was really pleased with the insight I received to my question. And I have more clarity now. Can't wait to talk to him again
Sep 16 2012
Member: New Life Guidance
This was my first reading from caring clairvoyant. And I thought i received the clarity I needed from the questions I had. Also he was very nice and professional. There are a lot of readers on here who are not. So I really appreciated my experience here today.
Sep 16 2012
Member: shadsylady
Good reading.. sorry we got cut off, ran out of funds
Sep 15 2012
Member: ampo
Awesome expert he was able to connect in my situation immediately and so accurate. He is so warm and funny too... thank you.
Sep 7 2012
Member: t0282
I'm really having a such of hard time believing what he said... He said he never love me to begin with but I believe he loves me and still does is just the circumstances right now and being together for 5 years there has to be love there and the fact that he wanted to get married I really don't know about this reading. Thx for your time tho.
Sep 6 2012
Member: GullableOne
Ooh - he's brutally honest! Not sure I liked his answers....but he was sooo very correct. Very good reading!
Sep 6 2012
Member: Mariah88
very kind person....
Aug 29 2012
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