Member: Eml26
Sorry, I ran out of funds. Thank you so much for your help and insight. Very nice to talk to. Highly Recommended.
Sep 28 2011
Member: Summer Breeze
Thank u for fab reading. Look forward to outcome
Sep 19 2011
Member: azy
ran out of funds
Sep 2 2011
Member: Ducky
Very accurate reading! A fast typer with amazing insight!
Aug 31 2011
Member: Nadette
i dont go online and ask question to a psychic but this time i did and i found Sachin Krishna name in the list of all others expert. And i had a short chat with him online but the dream i had what it means. But i only had 5 min so we got disconnected. But to my suprise he email me back and explain to me in more details what i wanted to hear. I was very satisfied to what he told me and he told me that an unexpectedly things will happen in regards to money. and in my suprise after a day i won some money in the casino , something i will never expect. I was glad i choose him coz i was happy and i believe in what he said. his very true about his words and made me feel like there is a better life for me out there. I will surely come back to him again. thanks sachin. and congrats on your newborn baby boy....
Aug 29 2011
Member: sekr
nice and detailed reading. very quick too and felt balanced - didn't hesitate to say it as it was, didn't try to sweeten it too much but did it in a kind way. thanks!
Aug 21 2011
Member: rems123
thanks sachin seems like your reading might come true good preditiction looking forword to thank uu one again
Aug 21 2011
Member: User_8jy9tk
Excellent reading
Aug 11 2011
Member: pwafb
Sachin....Blessings and Peace to u for providing me with honest answers that have ALWAYS been in the back of my I know in my heart what I need 2 do...I want and deserve happiness....Patty
Aug 7 2011
Member: User_agkjkn
Kind and caring person easy to understand, As far as accuracy goes not sure how things will turn out untill the time comes.
Aug 4 2011
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