Member: Stefanie Lesser
good reading but sometimes typed slow
Jan 12 2012
Member: User_s4d8r9
Great reading, thank you. Im sorry my funds ran very short this time.
Jan 9 2012
Member: RNEL
thank you
Jan 8 2012
Member: missbv
FANTASTIC!!!!! HIT THE NAIL ON THE HEAD WITH THIS ONE!!! im so sorry my credit ran out! i will be in touch again though! THANK YOU keez
Sep 29 2011
Member: starryeyes
Thanks so much for great reading!
Sep 4 2011
Member: wishingwell
very detailed....... Thank u
Aug 22 2011
Member: vivi
the outcome that we get together is right but he came back to me today and. we decide to move in together. it didnt take 4 weeks as u said. thanks.
Aug 3 2011
Member: mouse
Aug 2 2011
Member: Janyce
Keeza gave me a pretty in depth and intense reading tonight that made really look at what the heck is going on in my life. I need to do some re-examining of things and if her predictions DO come true. I will be eating my words and be the first person to come back for an update. she is for sure talented psychically and is uber confident in her visions even when i am saying "no way this is not gonna happen"...she is sticking to her guns and saying "yessss it will" so let's see.
Jul 30 2011
Member: wonderingman
Sorry, ran out of funds
Jul 29 2011

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