Member: Earthnote8
Thank you Chloe. Hugs. Dora thank you for your pearls of wisdom.
Nov 29 2016
Member: User_t85emb
Hoping it is all true... seems very promising!
Nov 28 2016
Member: Earthnote8
Thanks Chloe.
Nov 28 2016
Member: SOPHIE
Thank you so much for your help all along the way. Eight year company with each other is long but thank you for always being at my side.
Nov 27 2016
Member: Earthnote8
Thank you Chloe. Will continue to pray and be open. Take care and thank you.
Nov 27 2016
Member: giniwren
Always has my back. Thanks Chloe
Nov 27 2016
Member: User_ci665i
Nov 24 2016
Member: Abc
Chloe is one in a million. It's like finding a needle in a haystack. She's so sweet and gentle with her words, like an angel. and she's told me things , I'm waiting for them to come true and I will be back to talk to her again and rate her again. I just trust her so much. This rating is from my heart. And I love Chloe so much.
Nov 22 2016
Member: Earthnote8
Thank you.
Nov 22 2016
Member: Earthnote8
Chloe is like an older sister. Appreciate the connection.
Nov 21 2016

  * Only ratings given for paid sessions under this category are counted.