Member: Joelle
Excellent! Reading came true she told me the difference between two apartments I would be choosing over the city and how I would like one aprtment over the other one even if one was a bit more expensive and before you know it she was dead on about the differences! On top of that she told me when to call my guy and when I did our conversation went excellent as well...thanks so much =)
Jun 4 2005
Member: Joelle
Thank you so much! You always give me light and I know that what you say will come true because your other predictions have come true in the past. Truly the best!!! =)
May 22 2005
Member: gemsybabe
Feb 23 2006
Member: miuchan
Jan 28 2006
Member: Lisl
Jan 5 2006
Member: JSanchez
Jun 1 2005

  * Only ratings given for paid sessions under this category are counted.