5,882readings since 2019readings (2019)
About my servicesTarot divination: 🕵️‍♀️ Tarot is a tool that uses a set of tarot cards to gain insight into the past, present, and future. Tarot symbolism can teach the user about occult history, psychology, spiritual teachings, and ancient and modern wisdom. They symbolize imagery that pulls on unconscious chords of our internal and external worlds. The cards are divided into two groups: the Major Arcana, which represents essential milestones in your life, substantial archetypal energies full of wisdom and the Minor Arcana, representing our choices and decisions based on thinking, feelings, intuition and sensation. As a Tarot Reader, I can provide guidance and insight into a person's life by interpreting the cards. A reader can use tarot divination to explore various topics, including career, relationships, and life purpose. Astrology: 🌗 Astrology studies the celestial bodies, sun, stars, moon, planets, zodiacs (Constellations) and their gravitational energetic impact on life on Earth. Understanding that the gravity of our solar system impacts the wind, the oceans and rivers, the temperature and shifts in rocks and ground beneath our feet show us that we, too, are connected. As a result, Through Astrology, I can better understand your psychology and how you respond, love, act, feel and think at any period in your life. This soul map better assists you in understanding yourself and those around you, helping you make clear decisions and choices and guiding you on your journey. Dream Analysis: 🛌 Intuitive dream analysis focuses on finding a dream's symbolic meaning that unlocks the unconscious inner workings of your waking life. Your dreams can telegraph essential information about upcoming events, romance, life passages, happiness, purpose and true nature.
About meMy Education: 📑 Tarot Divination Diploma, Astrology Diploma, Reiki 1, 2 and 3 Certified, Cognitive Support Specialist, Bachelor of Science in Integrated Science & Minor in Food Science and Nutrition, Registered Holistic Nutritionist, Certified Personal Trainer, Yoga Teacher, Animal Flow, Strong Nation Instructor, Modern Journalism I have worked as a professional psychic for over five years. I have experience with Tools of Divination for over eight years. I discovered my gift when I was around four years old. I had a hallucination that was the most powerful clairvoyant vision of my life that impacted my imagination and view of the world and what is possible tremendously. 💙💜 I am constantly learning and developing my gifts as I separate myself from limiting ideals and beliefs engraved by my traditional upbringing. With my experience in Reiki Healing and meditation, I can often create a soothing and powerful experience for myself and my clients, channelling them when needed. ⚡️ I enjoy witchcraft and rituals that enhance nature's magic and create a positive and uplifting environment for myself and others. 🪄 I am the owner of Soul Food Fitness, and I offer services in Psychic Readings, Astrology, Natural Healing, Energy Healing and Personal Training. 🍀 **I do NOT participate in Black Magic :)
15 Jun 24
Rozalia is honest and tried to help you understand her point of view. Every time I’m feeling an urge to step out of character she helps keep me grounded. Brings light to any situation that I have or having
15 Jun 24
Rozalia is a quick typer and Ross in very quickly without you wondering for long
07 Jun 24
Great chat! Thank you Rozalia! :)
06 Jun 24
rozzebud is like my therapist. can get to the root of my problems and bring me back to realization. comfortable sharing with her any topic and she truthfula and honest.
06 Jun 24
rozalia is funny and provides guidance so easy. She is a quick typer and gets start to the point. love that! always brings resolutions
04 Jun 24
rozalia is always great and provides lots of details in her readings.
04 Jun 24
rozalia, is always very truthful and is a fast typer. she lets you know exactly what is going on and super helpful. I enjoy our readings always
31 May 24
She was very helpful
23 May 24
Great reading!
21 May 24
She was awesome always tells you how it is and gives advice
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Your Soul Knows the Way
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Your Soul Knows the Way
Kasamba Inc.