Joseph- the Medium
8,834readings since 2018readings (2018)
About my servicesWelcome to my page I've been a practicing psychic all my life. When you call, you'll experience a coming together of clairvoyance and spiritual realization. My psychic ability extends to various tools: tarot cards, astrology, numerology, angel readings, love & relationships, and money. From a young age, I learned to see things others couldn't and cherish these insights. This ability helps me read the energies around you. We all have a life journey to travel. Come, travel yours, and let me help you open the doors around you, granting yourself the gift of a better quality of life. Once the channels are open, energies flow freely. The ultimate aim is to bring harmony to mind, body, and spirit. When listening to someone, I hone in on their vibe and identify what's been happening in their lives. I provide constructive guidance, channeling it toward positive outcomes.
About meItā€™s wise to obtain as much insight as you can when matters are confusing or frustrating or you just need some confirmation about a person, idea, your career, etc. In order for the information to be helpful to you on a higher plane, it needs to be assessed by a psychic like me. I come by my gifts naturally, as my mother and grandmother were both readers. Also I have explored, over the years, many forms of connecting with spirit - I've given readings professionally for more than 12 years now, and on a personal level for many years before that. I am here to assist you in ways that offer insight into your particular situation. I offer in depth Readings! I dig for the details that you need to know to improve your personal situation and can provide personal guidance to make it easier to achieve your desires! My focus is You! I talk rather fast , so I donā€™t waste any of your time. I have genuine concern for every one I read for because I understand how difficult life can be at times. Whether itā€™s Romance, Money, Career , Family Issues, or anything that is troubling you Itā€™s always easier when you have a friend to make you feel like you have the wind at your back! Trust me-- I understand the struggles you're going through. , letā€™s start now to help you improve your life!
14 Jun 24
Joseph was very detailed, calm and helped me understand my situation more.
14 Jun 24
thank you Joseph. I will check in with you later
14 Jun 24
thank you for the positive feedback
13 Jun 24
Very thorough.
12 Jun 24
wow! he clearly connected to my POI. he informed me about the personā€™s thoughts. which confirmed my feelings. thank you šŸ˜Š
12 Jun 24
Gave great insight and clarity to my situation. Positive and hopeful.
11 Jun 24
Interesting. Will wait to see.
11 Jun 24
Got cut off againā€¦ thank you for all the amazing things you do! Talk again soon!
Marybel marybel
10 Jun 24
09 Jun 24
Thank you , so lovely to chat with you
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Joseph- the Medium
Joseph- the Medium
0readings since readings ()
Joseph- the Medium
Joseph- the Medium
Kasamba Inc.