Jacqueline Lee
3,181readings since 2021readings (2021)
About my servicesI specialize in love and relationships, particularly those crazy-making Twinflame connections! I have often been called a "psychic's psychic", mind reader and master manifester by my clients! I am a high level empath, clairvoyant, clairsentient, clairaudient, energy healer, channel and medium. I get to the core of any situation quickly and provide you with clarity and guidance on how to change it. Want to know your POI's thoughts and intentions? I can ask them! If you have a message for them, I can deliver it! Speak to your POI telepathically through me when you can't do it any other way. .. my telepathic ability to send and receive messages is very clear and accurate! Many relationships, situations and misunderstandings have been fixed through communicating this way. As a Manifestation coach, I will teach you how to use the abundance of your own power, to perform your own magic to bring whatever you want into your life quickly and painlessly. If things in your life seem 'stuck', I can help shift the energy of your situation, whatever it is and teach you how to do this too! There's really nothing that can't be fixed and trust me, you are powerful enough to do it as well! I believe in sharing my gifts to teach and empower you to help yourself. My wish is that you leave a reading with me feeling inspired, optimistic, uplifted and with a lot of peace!
About meI’m a Certified Thought Field Therapist, Medical Intuitive and a 3rd Year SOM Practitioner with over 35 years of spiritual study in various subjects. I’m a Reiki Level III practitioner and also use my own psychic reiki healing techniques. I have many natural healing gifts that I can use to change the energy and emotions of any situation in your life that is out of balance. I have taken numerous Energy Clearing and Psychic Healing courses, as well as various Psychology courses on the human mind and human behavior which, together, enable me to discern people and situations quickly and very accurately. As a Spiritual Life Coach, I have worked with thousands of clients globally, to bring things into alignment with their highest and best good to increase the love, happiness, peace, abundance, healing and success in their lives. I also regularly work with clients, one-on-one or in groups, providing Intuitive Enhancement sessions that help other gifted people discover and develop their own abilities, many of whom have gone on to have successful businesses of their own in the Spiritual and Life Coaching areas. I sincerely appreciate my clients and my commitment to you is to hold the high watch for you by guiding you in ways that bring more love, happiness and peace into your life and to teach you how to manifest whatever you want to bring into your life. Thank you for taking the time to read my profile! I hope to speak with you soon! ♥️
15 Jun 24
Thanks for the update !
15 Jun 24
right on
12 Jun 24
sorry out of funds
11 Jun 24
great reading. thank you
11 Jun 24
she is quick to connect and provides details! i enjoy my time with her
07 Jun 24
sorry out of funds, thank you for the clarity
07 Jun 24
sorry out of funds
06 Jun 24
Wonderful as always Much gratitude
04 Jun 24
Thanks so much for the update and all the detail, I got cut off will check back thanks!
19 May 24
Thanks Jacqueline so much for your help! I was saying he has to fly theres no other way
0readings since readings ()
Jacqueline Lee
Crystal Clear Telepathic Intuitive Guide
0readings since readings ()
Jacqueline Lee
Crystal Clear Telepathic Intuitive Guide
Kasamba Inc.