Quantum Manifestation

Love Psychic Investigator
Top Psychic Advisor / 14+ Years of Experience / Psychic, Relationship Coach
Top Psychic Advisor / 14+ Years of Experience / Psychic, Relationship Coach

quantum manifestationquantum manifestation
Consciousness is one particle (a tiny bit of matter) that exists from one moment to the next. By flickering at very high speeds, it creates parallel realities of existence. Even before you choose your next reality, you already exist in parallel realities at the same time. cool, right? How you think and feel in your current reality, determines which reality you will move on to next. Through our thoughts and emotions, we generate our intentas to which reality we desire to experience next - be it positive or negative.

quantum manifestationquantum manifestation

We are constantly creating our next reality, and it is always a copy of the one we are currently in. Therefore, as we manifest our next reality we must first be sure that we are content with our current reality. If we have to "fake it before we make it" then so be it. We have to live out our desired reality in the present moment otherwise we will continue through the cycle of copying undesirable outcomes from negative realities.

4 steps to freedom:

1) Release Negative Energies
2) Manifest Inner Peace
3) Make A Note of Your Desire
4) Manifest Your Desire

quantum manifestationquantum manifestation

1) Release Negative Energies

Do you hold on to the energy of past events, even after lessons have been learned? Repeat this mantra:

"Before I project myself into my next reality, I must let go of all negative energies, frequencies and emotions carried forward from past realities. I have realized that I must remove from this current reality any sense of shame, guilt, anger, hatred, self-loathing, and overall lack. I must forgive myself, and others, right now! I am grateful for the life lessons learned during previous realities but, the energetic memory attached to those experiences is no longer needed. So, I am letting it go, and I am now copying all that I am, over to my next reality."

quantum manifestationquantum manifestation

2) Manifest Inner Peace

Become aware of copying the reality that you really want. As you do so, you shall reach a point where you are copying a positive reality naturally. The good thing about creating your next reality is that you will have many opportunities to do so. This may be a new way of viewing life but the results are worth the effort. Repeat this mantra:

"Before I project myself into my next reality, I realize that I am in perfect health, I am free from pain, stress, and tension. I feel peace, tranquillity, and stillness within. I am at one with myself and the world around me. I am love, I am unity, I am oneness. I am the eye of the storm, I am neutral, I am abundant, and most of all, I continue to be grateful for all aspects of my life. I am now copying all that I am, over to my next reality."

3) Make A Note of Your Desire

Write down your main desire, and reflect on it often; not because you doubt your ability to manifest, but rather because you will become aware of your day to day decision making. Ask yourself daily "Do my decisions contradict my desire?"

My Desire: '< Write your desire here >'

quantum manifestationquantum manifestation

4) Manifest Your Desire

When manifesting a desire into a reality for you to experience, this is a positive reality. Further realities that you create ahead of your desire being fully realised, should follow the same frequency as your initial desire.(AKWARD SENTENCES - DONT UNDERSTAND WHAT THE LAST TWO SENTENCES ARE TRYING TO SAY) Any confusion and/or doubt over whether the desire will ever be realized will contradict your initial desire and place you into a negative reality. If you fall into this trap, do not panic, at any moment you can get back on track by simply creating your next reality, along the lines of your initial desire. However, the more you fall into a negative reality, the more likely your desire will remain elusive.

HINT: If your actions, thoughts, and emotions support your desire only 49% of the time (creating more negative than positive realities), then your initial desire will continue to evade you. To guarantee that your desire manifests, you must commit yourself to making daily decisions (creating new realities) that support it. The closer you are to living in a 'Zero-Doubt' mentality ("I fully believe that my desire will be manifested, regardless of the how and the when"), the less chance you have to miss opportunities to fulfill your desire. Repeat this mantra:

"Before I project myself into my next reality, I realize that I can manifest all that I desire. As long as it does not come from a place of greed, the universe will bring experiences into my life to fulfill all of my desires. My desire is to '< Enter Desire Here >'. I attach no conditions when manifesting this desire, and have no expectations of how and when it shall manifest, I only know that it shall. I am now copying all that I am, over to my next reality."
About Love Psychic Investigator
Love Psychic Investigator is a naturally talented love psychic who has an impressive 14-year history of providing psychic readings on Kasamba, helping guide thousands of clients on to their path of least resistance. If you're in search of answers about your romantic relationship, or life in general, Zoran the 'Love Psychic Investigator' is ready to help!
Specializing in : Love Readings | Skills : Psychic/ Love Coach | Rate: Connect with me »
Specializing in : Love Readings | Skills : Psychic/ Love Coach | Rate:
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