Understanding Dreams of Teeth Falling Out

Janice Howard
Master of spirituality / Spiritual writer based in Oklahoma, USA / Spiritual activist
Master of spirituality / Spiritual writer based in Oklahoma, USA / Spiritual activist

Understanding Dreams of Teeth Falling Out Understanding Dreams of Teeth Falling Out

Bad Dreams can be Beneficial

Dreams can reveal our deepest emotions to the situations or reality of the waking world. Whatever we might be dealing with on a deeper level is brought to our attention through the symbolism of our dreams. Maybe you’re having pleasant dreams about a loved one, or landing the position you applied to. However, the dreams we usually have trouble understanding are those that are unpleasant and feel like nightmares. If we are able to remember our dreams as simply a symbol of our subconscious, then we use it to our advantage.

Understanding Dreams of Teeth Falling Out Understanding Dreams of Teeth Falling Out

Symbolism of Losing Teeth in a Dream

But, what does teeth falling out in a dream mean? Does a dream of losing teeth have spiritual meaning?

There are many possibilities to the interpretations of our dreams, but the following can provide a step towards unraveling the significance behind dreaming about losing teeth. The overall theme of such a dream is associated with the word loss, which can be attributed to many different situations. This can be related to losing a job, an end to a relationship, or any other type of loss that we experience as individuals in this lifetime.

Understanding Dreams of Teeth Falling Out Understanding Dreams of Teeth Falling Out

Dream about Teeth Falling Out

Losing teeth in dreams is typically not a pleasant experience, but it should not create fear or affect our waking lives in any negative way. Instead, we can ask, what does it mean to dream about losing teeth? A teeth falling out dream can be due to internal issues with our appearance, regret about thing we said, or a number of other reasons.

Our smile is a important feature that reveals our level of attractiveness to others. A full smile and bright smile signals high confidence to those we interact with, so when this is damaged by rotting teeth or teeth falling out, it is a signal towards damage to our internal feelings towards our own appearance. This spiritually shows a person that they need to work on how they view themselves and start working towards showing self-love.

While this can be an issue within our subconscious about our outer appearance, it can also be a signal towards how other see who we are inside. This can be from something we once said that we regret, but this does not define you. There are many ways to comfort this pain or discomfort that has built up in our subconscious. First, you can move forward in your life with better intentions, trying to improve the way you vocalize your thoughts and feelings. Secondly, you can write out what you wish you could say to people to express your truest intentions in this lifetime. It is not necessary to share what you write with anyone, but it is a good way to process your own feelings.

Dreams about Teeth Breaking

If you have had a broken teeth dream, where they begin to crumble, this could be an indication of a weakness in the mouth. Could this mean you are having trouble speaking or were in a situation where your words were not heard? Perhaps, this happened in an argument? This situation probably made you feel like you were unable to get your point across, which left an imprint on your subconscious. This type of internal reaction to our waking life is often misunderstood, until we have dreams that bring up these deeper emotions and feelings.

There are tremendous benefits from simply writing out those deeper emotions and feelings that result from broken teeth dreams. This is a way to release those very internal imprints from our experiences and be able to move forward from them. If you are able to release these deeper emotions, it will help you prevent further difficult dreams that might affect your quality of sleep.

By understanding the symbolism of a broken teeth dream, it can help up decide what we need to do to heal any internal pain or discomfort. Perhaps this means you will confront the individual in a different way. This could even mean that you write your feelings and thoughts down as a letter and allow them to sit with your words. Then, you are able to put out your true thoughts without being interrupted and the time to explain yourself.

Understanding Dreams of Teeth Falling Out Understanding Dreams of Teeth Falling Out

Seeking Professional Interpretations

If you feel like this helped you take a step towards clarity on such an intense and scary dream, then your intuition is strong and you should take pride in this. However, journaling does not work for everyone and perhaps you are looking for a more detailed answer. Luckily, there are many professionals who have studied the meaning behind dreams and are waiting to help you understand yours. Kasamba has many of the highest rated advisors, who have been helping others for 20 years, ready to help you too.
About Janice Howard
Janice Howard is based in Oklahoma, USA. With years of experience researching all things spiritual , including divination tools such as Tarot, Numerology, and Psychic connections, Janice regards herself as a spiritual activist. During her spare time, she practices yoga, writes, and teaches mind, body, and soul connections at the local recreation centers.
Skills : Master of spirituality / Spiritual writer based in Oklahoma, USA / Spiritual activist Find me on Facebook »
Skills : Master of spirituality / Spiritual writer based in Oklahoma, USA / Spiritual activist
Find me on Facebook »
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