About My Services

I will help you work to find that soulmate you thought you would never find they are really not as far as you think even spiritually we are already linked. I believe there is always a way to any problem. If there is any dispute in marriage, or you are facing problem to accept or tolerate eachother, I can help you out

Experience & Qualifications

Practically helped lot of people nationally and internationally to mend their broken relationships in marriage. I can point out the inner truth and can make your situation in a better way. Helped numerous to get back their love back and you can trust me to get the best healing touch and remedies your relationship require.


Experience in professional astrology, life member of all india astro-research institution. a reiki master, free-thinker and astro councillor,Peace Counselor,Music Therapy, Child Psychology, Personal Growth, Divine GuidenceBreath Work, Emotional Release Therapy, Grief Issues,Relationships, Massage Therapy, Alternative Medicine, Ayurveda, Degree in Healing Touch, Dream analyzing, Psychology.