Birthday Horoscope
Happy Birthday, Aquarius! It's a wonderful year for letting some of your best ideas bring to you some well-deserved profit. Also, this year you also have great odds of crossing paths with an important soul connection. But what will you do when you meet this individual? Read on to find out what awaits you this amazing birthday year! "
Last year's focus on the revolving doors of friendship, left you with some dynamic changes in your social life. Now that the dust has settled, the new people in your life are leading you to some fantastic love opportunities. You are likely to be crossing paths with a soul connection that at first may seem to good to be true! That is because your 12th House (The Subconscious) is full of cosmic shifts that are allowing fantasies to become a part of your reality. Prepare for many heart-to-heart conversations. You have been burned before, so you are on your guard this time around. Depending on your individual love needs at the moment, this soul connection could play a leading lifetime role or just a cameo part. By the time Mars enter Libra in October late this year, you are going to be feeling much more laid back about the romantic uproars that are due in the coming months. As you make key decisions this year, try not to make light of how rare soul connections tend to be.

Aquarians who are single will be more open-minded about how far they allow the dreamy new soul connection to get past their inner walls. You may already be ready to embrace the change, and make the most of the positive energy this individual could bring to your life. However, you are most at risk to be putting new lovers through trials by fire when your ruling planet, Uranus, is on the move in March. While you are an incredible individual, there is no need to make dating you a conquest of epic proportions. This will only limit your chances to get close to someone that can give you the authentic love that you are craving deep inside.

Committed Aquiarians are on their toes, and more likely to end ties early with ANY new connection who tries to gets too close, too soon. The soul connection opportunity will be putting you in a state of fight-or-flight, as you are faced with a true test to your pre-existing partnership. Fortunately for your partner, you are unlikely to be looking for a major love upheaval this year (unless your relationship is already on its last legs). The Solar Eclipse in Capricorn at the year's end will reinforce you to believe that you are doing the right thing for yourself, making it less likely that you will have emotional regrets at a future date. By January 2020, you may be feeling bored again with your romantic partner, but at least you will not be dealing with the aftermath of heartbreak.

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Your money and career path can be on the rise this birthday year, but you have to be careful about being your own worst enemy. In particular, the Saturn retrograde in Capricorn (mid-April through mid-September) may have you dealing with some enormous mental blocks. At work during this period, you will be focused more on what you have already lost, versus what is to be gained in the future. You are going to be at your most productive outside the retrograde period, and really have your nose to the grindstone. Overall, this brithday year is one where you can get many tasks completed.

Unfortunately, while you are able to finish up many projects and items on your to-do list, overall it is not great timing this year for an ambitious promotion or raise that you are likely to be due for. If you are aiming high, be sure work your hardest in June, as Venus enters Gemini. This will give you an edge in your business path when it comes to visualizing new ways to make money. It is best if you continue to work on the development of your personal foundation and knowledge, which will help you in the years to come. Further education in courses that hold your interest can help your career path develop even more.

Financially, you are coming up with ingenious and inspiring new ways to bring in money outside of your main career track. Some of the more mentally stimulating conversations you have this year may lead to ideas that you want to jot down. The influence Jupiter has on you through December will bring to you a greater focus on technology than usual. Combining this with your visionary ideas can bring you some profit in a novel (and entertaining) new way. Finding ways to make money and not be bored at the same time is a true win-win situation for you! As always, be sure to keep yourself in check to ensure that your plans are not unattainable.

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February 2019: The romantic themes of February has you feeling more amorous than usual. It is a great month to focus on your love life and dating. Singles and attached Aquarians are likely to be pleased as their luck in love is at a peak! Even if you are not directly looking, you are likely to stumble across a passionate connection at this time. Key Date: February 14th is a highlight for you this month. Spend Valentine's Day with a special someone to make the most of your romantic energy and loving spirit!

March 2019: With Uranus on the go this month, you are likely to be on a bit of a power trip. Be cautious not to offend those who may find your attitude abrasive. You may accidentally give negative vibes to people that you are actually more interested in than you are letting on. Key Date: By March 7th, you may be feeling extremely assertive. Your communication style could accidentally clash with someone else's around this date. Watch your tone and sense of humor to ensure that no feelings are deeply hurt.

April 2019: You are at risk for entering a dry spell when it comes to getting work accomplished. It may take more energy than normal to get through the work day. Coffee may be your best friend, as your energy is not at its peak either. Key Date: April 15th is a great time to take a mini-vacation away from work. Celebrate that the month is half-way over, and hang out with some friends who are bound to make you laugh.

May 2019: Work may still be draining you, unfortunately. While you are not at your creative peak, try to focus on areas of life that may sometimes get neglected. For example, there are extended family members that would love to see you. It is a great month to focus on family and old friends who you have not seen in a long time. Key Date: The week of May 12th is ideal for as long of a vacation as you can get away with. Traveling to an exotic place that you have never been to before would suit your need for mental stimulation.

June 2019: Your personal energy is uplifted and you are feeling like a better version of yourself. You may be more focused on self-improvement during this time. Activities such as exercise, sports, further education, and new hobbies will keep you feeling positive. Vivid dreams may lead you to even more ideas that you want to accomplish. Key Date: June 21st is the change of the season. Your energy peaks around this date, so it is a wonderful time to focus on your self-interests and enjoy life to the fullest.

July 2019: Solar and lunar eclipses this month are causing chaos in your personal relationships. Be especially careful of how you handle yourself in the workplace right now. Feelings will be easily hurt this month and you want to be careful to not cause accidental lasting damage. Key Date: The lunar eclipse on July 16th is when everyone will be most sensitive. Try to not be overly emotionally vulnerable at this time or you may discover yourself getting burned by a loved one.

August 2019: Your productivity is starting to increase at work. New ideas are coming to you, but it may be overwhelming to decide which are worthy of your time. A trusted mentor can help you make a big decision this month that can impact your financial future. Key Date: Have your pen and paper ready around August 30th, when your creativity is at a high point. You may want to make note of your creative visions for future reference.

September 2019: You may face a financial temptation this month that is hard to turn down. Be cautious of overspending now, as you will regret it later on in the upcoming holiday season. Modest spending may be tough to deal with, but you will thank yourself in future months. Key Date: You may be at risk for a financial loss around September 18th. Be sure to keep an eye on your purse or wallet to ensure that you don't lose or misplace your valuables.

October 2019: Romantic attention is coming your way. You are very magnetic to others right now--both men and women. This may be surprising to you, but it will work to your advantage in business matters. You may not be interested in those who are giving you attention, but the ego boost will be nice. Key Date: October 20th is when your personal magnetism starts to peak. It is a great day to plan an important meeting or appointment around this date.

November 2019: End of the year stress may start to frazzle your nerves. It is overwhelming all that you have to get done before the year ends. The good news is that you have people that want to help. A supportive partner or friend will do what they can to help you deal with the dirty work. Key Date: November 20th may have you feeling the need for some support in your life. Don't be afraid to call a friend or loved one and ask for help. The experience will only strengthen your bond!

December 2019: The year ends with a focus on your love life. Your desires for intimacy will cause you to plan more than one fun-filled night for you and a special someone. You may be reflecting on memories from your love history, but it will not sway you away from future love adventures. Key Date: December 31st is a wonderful time to plan a fun-filled date night. It will be an extraordinary night to remember as you look forward to what 2020 brings your way.

January 2020: The year may start out with a little scare for your career path. Have confidence though, as it is likely the communication that haunts you right now is only gossip. Once this matter is sorted out, you are back on track for reaching your goals in business.Key Date: Communication clashes may be getting to you around January 2nd. Don't let the post-holiday blues weigh you down. As the month continues, you are likely to be feeling back on track again.

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Written By Sonya Starr Angel
Sonya has over 20 years of experience using her gifts to provide psychic guidance and advice to her clients. She really cares about her clients and often forms deep relationships with them. A reading with Sonya will give you amazing insights and clarity.
Specializing in : Tarot Readings | Skills : Astrology / Psychic / Tarot
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Specializing in : Tarot Readings | Skills : Astrology / Psychic / Tarot
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Color: Light blue
Gemstome: turquoise, amethyst
Strengths: humanitarian, original, clever
Weaknesses: flaky, unemotional, stubborn
Likes: intelligent conversations, surprises, friendship
Dislikes: prejudice, confrontations, being controlled
Most compatible Signs: Gemini and Libra
Least compatible Signs: Cancer and Virgo
Jennifer Aniston, Paris Hilton, Cristiano Ronaldo, Justin Timberlake, Shakira, Emma Roberts, Kim Novak, Alicia Keys, Ashton Kutcher, Bob Marley, Sarah Palin, Danna Garcia, James Dean