Birthday Horoscope
Happy Birthday, Aquarius! The time is right for you to revolutionize those areas of your life that have been a little slow and stuck in the past. There will be no shortage of opportunities for changes. Read on to find out what awaits you this exciting birthday year!
2022 has been for many of you a year full of new awareness. You have figured out what you want and where you want to go, and 2023 will be the year of action. In short, you will move from theory to practice! The year is off to a great start, and many of you will find the courage to declare your feelings to your person of interest, while those in stable relationships may be thinking about a marriage proposal. Mars and Venus in favor will make you feel brave and passionate, and you will certainly not be afraid to act. Summer will be slower with a few unfavorable Venus transits that could bring some tension and arguments. If there are relationships that no longer work, this will be a good time to end them without remorse. Cut out what doesn't make you grow and keep only what enriches your soul.

For those starting the year single, there will be great excitements and new encounters. Some of you may meet a very special person who will change the minds of even the most convinced singles: when true love comes, you have to let go without restraints and without fears and conditioning that come from past sufferings. Favorable Jupiter in the first part of the year will help you experience new relationships lightheartedly, and some of you may even have more than one relationship at the same time. A somewhat hostile Venus during the summer could bring some turmoil to recently born couples, but fear not: those who decide not to continue some flirtations will soon find new adventures. There is no room for boredom in this 2023 that urges you to enjoy life and experience love without the fear of exposure.

For those who are in a relationship, the first part of the year will certainly be very important for formalizing relationships that are still without labels. If you have waited so long to take that important step now is the time to verbalize and take a chance. Don't be afraid of rejection, Jupiter in your favour will make you feel confident and appreciated. Beware of the summer period, tensions may arise with your partner especially regarding practical and financial matters. There could be breakups in couples who already faced issues, especially during the fall, but as I've already mentioned, it's best to cut the connections that no longer work.

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Career-wise, 2023 will also be the year of action. For many of you who have been waiting a long time for the right time to face drastic changes, there will be the courage and opportunity to do so as early as the first quarter of the year. Those who want to try to pursue big dreams will have the right amount of madness to take risky paths!. Beware of tensions with colleagues: you may face some heated arguments at work , especially during the summer with an unfavourable Venus.

As for finances, the first part of the year will definitely be positive, allowing you to save some savings and earn more from new income. Beware, though, of investments that new projects might require: try to make definite plans so you don't run into unforeseen difficulties. Summer and fall may bring a desire to change work situations even if they were lucrative; you will invest in your passions even at the expense of financial gain.

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January 2023:The year is off to a great start for all sectors. Favorable Venus brings love and passion, and Mars gives you just the right amount of courage to solidify relationships that were still undefined. The career sector is also excellent, where you feel confident and open to new experiences. There will be no shortage of opportunities for job changes, the horoscope advice is to jump into new adventures without fear, this will be the year of revolution for you!

February 2023: February will be an adventurous month full of excitements especially in love and friendships. Venus and Mercury will bring passion and a desire to discover new sides of yourself and those close to you. Relationships with colleagues will also be positive and you will feel appreciated and valued. If you have a creative idea in mind for a project to develop, this is a good time to work on the concrete idea of bringing your dreams to life: yes, even those that seem impossible.

March 2023: Spring will bring you great energy, desire for renewal at work and special emotions in love and family. You will feel creative and courageous, and many of you will find the right space to come up with new ideas at work, while those who are working on personal projects will get a fair dose of luck that will bring unexpected opportunities.Love will be intense and passionate, and some of you will receive long-awaited marriage proposals. Beware of those in ambiguous situations, you may begin to feel within you a desire for clarity, and the important thing is to face even those conversations that may seem difficult.

April 2023: Spring will be a busy time for you in all aspects. Jupiter is still favorable, and thanks to it, you will feel charged with positive energy and desire to improve your life, especially your career. Some of you do not feel appreciated or understood enough, and the desire to change will be so strong to push you to take action. Indulge these renewing energies because they will surely lead you to explore new perspectives you had not considered. An open attitude toward new perspectives will also be favored in love, and this could be a good time to end those relationships that no longer serves you.

May 2023: May will be a little slower month and you will no longer have Jupiter in your favor so you may face complicated situations in love relationships and even friendships. Don't be afraid to go in new directions, fear might hold you back a bit but the best thing is to face what comes with wisdom and openness. Some love relationships that have not worked for a long time may have now come to an end, and you will have to have the courage to verbalize your deepest feelings. Try not to be too impulsive at work, especially if there are ambiguous situations between colleagues: diplomacy will be the winning weapon!

June 2023: Summer will start slowly, with no big news or important situations, but it will be a good time to slow down a bit and reflect. All those who are still uncertain about some decisions to make, it's time to reflect and figure out what you really want to do. This applies both in career and finances and in love. Finances are good but there may be some unexpected expenses or investments to be made that worry you. Do not act impulsively, rather try to organize an action plan that includes both the positives and the risks. Singles may feel a little frustrated, as if they can never find the right person who understands them. Be patient and focus on yourself, the right person will come along at the right time!

July 2023: Jupiter is still in an unfriendly position, and you may feel its heavy energies especially in what concerns handling work and finances. You may feel overwhelmed and tired, agitated and worried about uncertainties. It will only be a short period and I advise you not to let stress push you into making hasty decisions. In love there will be, finally, big news for singles, passionate encounters and short but intense adventures. There could be some quarrels in couples related to some annoying contacts with the past. If a few too many exes spoil your balance as a couple, be clear with your partner and try to clarify with sincere and clear communication. Travel and short trips are favored, especially to relax from the stress of work.

August 2023: August will still be a rough month in terms of relationships with people, both at work and in the family. You may have difficulty in communication, getting your point across, or expressing what you feel. The horoscope advice is to try to reflect before verbalizing, and to have a calm and gentle approach without making people around you feel accused. Finances may have some weak moments, with some unexpected expenses or some delays on unresolved paperwork. People in labels free or affair relationships might have a moment of frustration and sadness, constantly waiting for a statement or change that hasn't come yet. The key word is patience!

September 2023: September will be a month dedicated to self-care and reflection. Many of you are coming from an intense summer full of changes and complex situations that required a lot of energy and now is the time to rest and recover your balance. There could be quarrels in couples but those who have a relationship based on solid feelings need not fear, everything will be resolved calmly and with common sense. Some of you may receive some unexpected and good news about finances or some projects that have just started. Beware of unresolved situations from the past: certain issues that you waited for before tackling may resurfaces and postponing may no longer be the solution.

October 2023: Autumn will start slowly but positively. Venus will no longer be in an unfavorable position and this will help you both in work and in relationships. Those who have had small quarrels in the workplace or with partners will have the opportunity to sort things out and move forward with positivity and joy. This could be a good time to speak clearly and to clarify your feelings both to your loved one and in friendships that you may have neglected. Do not be afraid of being misunderstood, if you speak sincerely and transparently, you will realise how much love there is around you. Good period to clarify all ambiguous situations and if you are undecided between two people or between two relationships that are present in your life, changes and clarity will be favored.

November 2023: The first part of the month will certainly not be easy. There will be some unfavorably aspected planets and you may feel the dissonant energies of Mars and Mercury. Be careful with finances, you could risk finding yourself spending more than you earn. Some minor tensions at work could stress you a lot and lead you to feel stressed and anxious: meditation could help. The risk is to bring home the stress of work and pour out the frustrations on the loved ones who are close to you. Try to be honest and talk to them about what's going on, people's support is important. The second part of the month will be much better, there will be a recovery of both energy and the desire to get involved.

December 2023: The last month of the year will bring a bit of stress on finances that have already been tried for a year where you have had many expenses and perhaps you have undertaken some changes that have weighed on your savings. Love will be slow and at times a bit quarrelsome, but only couples already in crisis could have some serious discussions, while solid couples can count on the desire for stability and the happiness of spending time together. The year will end on a high note with many planets in a positive aspect in your sign that will make you enter 2024 full of positive and revolutionary energies that will lead you to conquer new shores!

January 2024: 2024 will be a really good year for you dear Aquarius! January starts off great, with positive transits of Mars, Venus and Mercury. Love will go great, especially for singles: some of you will meet a very special person who could change your perspective on your life and the path you are on. Career will also be quite positive, there will be very good news in some situations that were stagnant and will finally be resolved without leaving any tensions behind. You will feel ready to face the new year with an open mind and awareness of what your goals will be!

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About June's Readings
June is a gifted psychic who has extensive training in Tarot and astrology. Although she is new to Kasamba, she discovered her natural gift at age 12 and has been helping others with online readings for the past 10 years. She quickly became a Top Psychic and has recieved outstanding reviews.
Specializing in : Tarot Readings | Skills : Psychic / Tarot / Astrology | Rate: Connect with me »
Specializing in : Tarot Readings | Skills : Psychic / Tarot / Astrology | Rate:
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Color:Light blue
Gemstome: turquoise, amethyst
Strengths: humanitarian, original, clever
Weaknesses: flaky, unemotional, stubborn
Likes: intelligent conversations, surprises, friendship
Dislikes: prejudice, confrontations, being controlled
Most compatible Signs: Gemini and Libra
Least compatible Signs: Cancer and Virgo
Jennifer Aniston, Paris Hilton, Cristiano Ronaldo, Justin Timberlake, Shakira, Emma Roberts, Kim Novak, Alicia Keys, Ashton Kutcher, Bob Marley, Sarah Palin, Danna Garcia, James Dean