Birthday Horoscope
Happy Birthday, Gemini! Are you prepared? Your love life is full of excitement to experience in the year ahead. In addition, your career path has the opportunity for a large-scale change. Read on to see what awaits you this wonderful birthday year!
With Venus going retrograde in Gemini around your birthday, you may find yourself feeling a little confused about what your heart truly needs right now. You will be able to make more clear-headed decisions as you approach late-2019. Whether you are single or in a relationship, a couple of important people will be competing for your attention. You will be torn whether to follow your logic choosing someone who is entirely in sync with you intellectually or going the more spontaneous route choosing someone that sparks an undeniable excitement in your heart. Expect some shake-ups in your social life this birthday year based on the love direction you take in the end. 2021's lunar eclipse in Sagittarius will have you running away from anyone that tries to put a leash on you. No friend or lover is going to have the power to control you come next year!

Single Geminis have it the easiest this birthday year, as the choices they make will not involve the potential end of a partnership. In fact, singles will have all the fun, enjoying the attention of others that they can remain guilt-free about. By the time you reach the solar eclipse in Sagittarius at the end of 2020, you may have a better idea of who you want to focus most seriously on. Don't be surprised if you find yourself in a committed relationship by your next birthday. This is true for even the most free-spirited Geminis, so enjoy the perks of singledom while you still can!

Geminis in a relationship have more on their plate compared to their single counterparts. There will be a choice that you'll likely have to make that has the power to break someone's heart. It may even be your own heart that gets broken if you end up saying goodbye to the wrong person. The good news is that most of the chaos should settle down once you get past December 2020. No matter which person gets your heart in the end, you can end the next birthday year on a good note. By the time you get to May 2021, any major waves in your love affairs should settle down. The likelihood of taking the next steps in a serious relationship is more likely at that point versus the immediate future.

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There's good news for any Gemini that is bored with their job and seeking a major change. A new chapter begins in December 2020 when Jupiter and Saturn's conjunction opens up the door of opportunity in your professional life. For Geminis, there will be multiple directions that you can take. In fact, it may be overwhelming when it comes to trying to narrow down options. If you have wanted to re-invent yourself, now is the time to plan ahead for making a successful transformation. A large scale career change is entirely feasible later this year, so long as you don't procrastinate when it comes to preparing yourself. For those who are happy with where they're at, you may find that success is easier to come by and your work environment around you, transforming for the better.

On the financial side, you may be at risk for a harder year than usual at first. The good news is that some of this is within your control. The risk of impulsive spending is high, especially when dealing with times of stress. If you can curb that habit of emotional spending, you will be in much better shape by the time we get through the rockiest parts of 2020. Fortunately, your financial path is much more stable next birthday year. For those with healthy spending habits, a period of growth and reward for your hard work comes in the second quarter of 2021. Those who work in technology, counseling, or education-related sectors have the most to gain this birthday year.

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June 2020: This month, you will notice that you have family members on your mind for whom you're concerned. If you find yourself worrying more than usual, it may be worth following up on your instincts. Spending quality time with family is highly recommended. Key Date: Timing around June 5th would be ideal for a family get together. There is a key family member who is wanting to have a talk with you.

July 2020: July may be a more difficult month with the Mercury Retrograde in Cancer interfering with your ability to think as clearly. You may be feeling more impulsive and emotionally drained, as well. The second half of the month should be calmer. Save any significant relationship conversations for late-July. Key Date: July 1st is when you may have bad luck with communicating with others. Be sure to double-check to whom you are sending emails and texts to avoid any social faux pas.

August 2020: August is looking like a positive month for your career path. If you have a goal you have wanted to accomplish for some time, look no further than the present. Luck is on your side, so important meetings or presentations can go smoothly, or better than you could have imagined. Key Date: The days around August 22nd are ideal for work-related meetings. This is the best timing for the month to make any big career-related moves.

September 2020: Someone in your social circle may be rubbing you the wrong way. An issue that started out small is escalating into some dreadful tension. Mutual friends are likely not to see your side of the story as clearly as you can. Key Date: Around September 30th, you may have a problem come up related to gossip among your friends. Stay calm as possible to help uphold your reputation and come out unscathed in the end.

October 2020: As you get near the end of the year, you may feel a little more stress than usual when it comes to the business and financial areas of your life. Planning ahead now can save you headaches in the future when it comes to bills and finances. Key Date: Looking through your financial records around October 17th can help you stay on track with your financial plans for the rest of the year. Helping yourself stick to goals now can avoid more severe problems later on.

November 2020: Are you ready to take some time away from the real world? Your mind and body may need a break from the stressors of everyday life. It's a good time for either a very relaxing vacation or a "staycation"-to unwind without the fuss of long-distance travel. Key Date: Around November 8th is when it looks like you would be most in need of some time off. Easy travel plans are recommended as you may want to save more exotic adventures for next year!

December 2020: You are feeling extraordinarily generous this month. The holiday season may cause you to want to shop, shop, shop! If you find yourself going over budget, you can always rely on your creativity to help show your loved ones how much you care for them. Key Date: Your creative skills are reaching their peak around December 10th. Planning out early who gets what will help you avoid some expensive last-minute shopping!

January 2021: The lunar eclipse this month has you hyperfocused on your love life. You are likely to be sentimentally drawn to the past. You may even have the temptation to reach out to an ex-lover. Be very cautious if you do- as it may be the equivalent of opening Pandora's Box! Key Date: Your loneliness will be highest around the start of the month. If you are feeling especially lonely on January 1st, fill up your day by touching base with your friends as a healthy distraction.

February 2021: Love is a central focus again this month, as you find yourself the center of attention. This is very enjoyable for you, as you find that attractive people are more magnetic to you than usual. All this attention is definitely boosting your ego! Key Date: February 14th is bound to be exciting or even dramatic with all the extra attention that you are getting right now. Those with partners should prepare to deal with jealousy!

March 2021: Stress may start to take a toll on you this month. You may find that you don't have the high energy you once did to deal with work-related troubles. Find ways to decompress this month, even if it involves taking a day off! Key Date: March 21st is when bad luck could hit you the hardest. Be prepared for any misfortunes that come out of nowhere. It is an excellent day to make sure your phone is fully charged (just in case).

April 2021: An important new person is entering your social life soon. The opportunity is there for you to make a new friend. You may find that there is some really good chemistry between you two and that you two have a lot in common. Perhaps this could turn into a romantic interest? Key Date: April 29th is a wonderful time for a social event. You will be glad you participated with your friends, whether its a wild concert or simply hanging out at home.

May 2021: As it gets closer to your next birthday, you may find yourself wanting to make a big personal change. Some will be drawn to completely change their hairstyle, while others may want to move to a new part of the world. Big or small, it is a good time to consider making a change that will benefit your life. Key Date: May 25th is looking like a good day for you to do something big outside of your comfort zone. Your risk-taking ability is high around this time, so you will be feeling quite brave to face the day!

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Written By Sonya Starr Angel
Sonya has over 20 years of experience using her gifts to provide psychic guidance and advice to her clients. She really cares about her clients and often forms deep relationships with them. A reading with Sonya will give you amazing insights and clarity.
Specializing in : Tarot Readings | Skills : Astrology / Psychic / Tarot
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Specializing in : Tarot Readings | Skills : Astrology / Psychic / Tarot
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Color: yellow
Gemstome: pearl
Strengths:quick-wit, spontaneous, curious
Weaknesses:impulsive, gossiper, indecisive
Likes:conversation, day trips, good books
Dislikes: being alone, repetition, boring tasks
Most compatible Signs: Sagittarius and Leo
Least compatible Signs:Taurus and Pisces
Marilyn Monroe, Adriana Lima, Angelina Jolie, Bar Rafaeli, Johnny Depp, Prince, Natalie Portman, Colin Farrell, Kate Upton