Birthday Horoscope
Happy Birthday, Gemini! These past two years of the pandemic have been tumultuous for humanity, which caused many Geminis to reflect and go through the process of a deep and intense transformation. This helped you heal and grow. From this place of renewed energy, let’s peer into what kind of changes and adventures you will face this year. Let’s jump into what awaits this fabulous birthday year!
We started this year off with both Uranus and Venus in retrograde. If you are coupled up, this means that you have likely gone through some pivotal moments with your partner. Ups and downs are bound to happen, but at the end of the day, you and your partner are becoming an even better version of yourselves. Hardships teach you about each other, but they also teach you about yourself. You are more aware of your needs, in an emotional sense, and you are firmer with your boundaries. These things will translate into the whole year of 2022. Since a heavier Mercury retrograde starts in January and lasts until the beginning of February, you might go through moments of feeling disconnected from your surroundings and people close to you. If your partner isn’t right for you, it’s highly likely that you will have the desire to be single again by spring. If your partner does offer you the healthy partnership you desire, you may feel ready to make a bigger leap into your relationship anywhere from February to July. Expansion in your relationship is also very possible during this time: to some this will be a baby, to others, this will mean a pet. However, no matter if you are single or taken, this year, a big theme in love will be: “What do I really want in a relationship? What are my needs? What does love mean to me?”. Honesty is going to be crucial when you have these conversations with yourself.

By fall, you will be craving new, deeper levels of intimacy. You might want to explore your fantasies and profound desires with your long-term partner or newfound crush. In December, there will be a Full Moon in Gemini. This marks a moment of pure clarity for you. You will see all of your relationships (both platonic and romantic) through a new, refreshing lens. This can be a beautifully emotional moment, so if you need to cry, scream, laugh - do so. Do whatever your body guides you to do.

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This year, you might feel pressure to perform better at work than you ever have before. Certain financial burdens from the past year are motivating you to create more streams of income. However, if not careful, this can be a double-edged sword. You might overwhelm yourself with too much work between April and May, which will lead to some kind of inevitable collapse. Please do not overwork yourself, Gemini. Your physical and mental health are way too precious! If you pace yourself, work can and will bring you wonderful new connections and opportunities. In May, after the total Lunar Eclipse, there will be an opportunity to collaborate with someone who you are familiar with. This has the potential to bloom into a big success. However, patience and perseverance are going to be of great importance. With Jupiter turning back into direct in November, you might be offered a job that involves you being more creative, or working more with your hands. Throughout the year, it will be important that you pay more attention to your finances. Cancel subscriptions that you don’t really need, learn more about ways to save money, and so on. Investing your money into something that will eventually bring you greater profit is also going to be of great significance. You might want to ask your Capricorn and Virgo friends for some professional, financial advice.

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May 2022: Summer hasn’t even officially begun yet but you will already feel in need of a holiday. If possible, take some time off in May, or structure your time better so that you have more free time and fewer obligations in general. Focus on the things that make your body and mind feel good. Key date: 5th of May - Jupiter entering Pisces is going to fully affect you on this day. You might have very vivid daydreams during the day, and nightly adventures in your dreams. Write them down. They might have a deeper, symbolic meaning.

June 2022: You might need to make a choice in regards to your career that will cause some stress and perhaps even anxiety. Some feelings of uncertainty and inadequacy will be present. During this time, it’s important to remind yourself that you don’t live to work. You live to be alive. Be creative, inventive, spontaneous, and vulnerable. Key date: 14th of June - The Full Moon in Sagittarius will give you a moment of peace and allow you to reconnect with your spiritual self. A certain book or piece of media might create a powerful reaction in you.

July 2022: Things are feeling a bit calmer. However, there is a strong desire for a change in your appearance. Especially closer to the end of the month, with so many planets transiting into Leo. You don’t just want to feel “good” about yourself - you want to feel like you are on top of the world. As a Gemini, you are definitely not foreign to experimenting with your looks. Key dates: 28th of July - Someone from your social circle is going to bring you some very happy news, or an action of theirs is going to make you extremely happy.

August 2022: In August, you will have a moment of abundance. A wise investment choice that you made is finally starting to pay off, and now, you are reaping the benefits. Since you have been working on your inner self more, there will be a lot of partner bliss in August. Some couples may start thinking about making their relationship even more serious, by, for example, moving in, getting engaged, etc. Key date: 27th of August - A New Moon will occur on this date. You will feel ready for something new. But what? Only time will tell. For now, this will just be a feeling brewing inside of you.

September 2022: Traveling to a new destination will be ideal for the month of September. Of course, if your health allows it. You are just “thirsty” to see something new and do something new. During the year you might have felt like the walls were closing in on you, in a few moments. Key date: 5th of September - Communication is of utmost importance for any relationship. On this day, you will need to be extra direct in the way that you speak in order to be understood and truly heard. Remember, an authentic conversation has pauses. In order to understand someone, we must reflect, mull over and consider what’s said and what we’re about to say.

October 2022: There might be a few moments of drama and tension during the month of October. But don’t worry, Gemini. It won’t be anything that you can’t handle. You are the communicator of the zodiac, after all! You might clash more with Scorpio signs during this period. It would be best to just deescalate the situation and go on your merry way. Key date: 2nd of October - Something very interesting will happen in regards to your love life. Your partner might feel extra affectionate or romantic. Single signs are also in for something sweet and supple.

November 2022: November might bring you a few mishaps with your colleagues, but keep in mind that this will also bring you closer to them. The better your work environment is, the less stress work will bring. Key date: 8th of November - There will be magnetic energy in the air. You are feeling more hopeful, and stronger than ever before. When you look back at the two years before this, or even the year before COVID happened and now… You have shown such resilience that you have likely surprised yourself even.

December 2022: You won’t believe how far you have made it when December rolls around. Now, there will be a lot of focus on family, health, and friends. There will be a glimmer of hope that will remind you of the life that you led before 2020. However, you need to know that you will never return to the life you had prior to it. You are now a thoroughly changed and improved person that will only continue to do so. Key date: 23th of December - The New Moon in Capricorn will give you that extra boost that you need before all of the holiday drama. You are entering the New Year with your chin held high. If you follow your heart and live with the most authenticity during this year, the next year will be the gamechanger of your life.

January 2023: The year is starting off slow, but definitely promising. You feel like something about yourself is different, and you are happy with the improvements that have happened. Something that hasn’t happened to you, but rather a close friend or perhaps sibling, will affect your emotional state a bit. However, with your emotional intelligence, you will bounce back quickly from this. Key date: the 12th of January - Mars turns direct on this day, boosting your energy levels and prompting you to embark on a more independent path. Take action based on your intuition rather than your insecurities.

February 2023: During February, there is a high possibility that you will discover a way to monetize one of your hobbies, creating a new revenue stream. Some health issues, particularly connected to the gut, will require you to change your diet a bit. Key date: the 18th of February - The Sun enters Pisces today, inaugurating a season that encourages you to temper your skepticism let your imagination run wild. You'll feel more creative and sensitive, so act accordingly.

March 2023: This is a time when your social life will be at an all-time high. Someone might try to grab your attention, but not just in a platonic way. The connections that you make during this time will become important again in the fall and winter of 2022. Key date: the 16th of March - Venus enters into the sensual sign of Taurus today, inviting you to slow down and smell the roses. You can miss out on unique experiences by being constantly rushed.

April 2023: It will be a tumultuous April for you, Gemini, that’s for sure. A small financial mishap might set you back slightly, so you might want to keep a closer eye on your finances during this time. Due to all of the transits that will occur in April, it may feel like your brain is on fire in some moments. Make sure that you have an activity that can serve as an outlet. Key date: Key date: the 21st of April - Mercury turns retrograde on this date, bringing confusion and misunderstandings in your social interactions. Your communication will turn inwards to reflect deeply on the messages you are trying to convey.

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Written By Trilogy
I am a multi-generational psychic medium with over a decade of experience. Where I have led and mentored many students in developing their own intuitive capabilities. Through the many ways, one can develop their intuition we can provide ourselves clarity in the choices we make in our everyday life. To be able to know where our desires are coming from within and to work with our own energy to empower ourselves through following our heart (intuition). Through this service, you will be able to tap into yourself like you never have before.
Specializing in : Intuitive Behavior, Tarot, Psychic / Psychic Mediums
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Specializing in : Intuitive Behavior, Tarot, Psychic / Psychic Mediums
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Gemstome: pearl
Strengths:quick-wit, spontaneous, curious
Weaknesses:impulsive, gossiper, indecisive
Likes:conversation, day trips, good books
Dislikes: being alone, repetition, boring tasks
Most compatible Signs: Sagittarius and Leo
Least compatible Signs:Taurus and Pisces
Marilyn Monroe, Adriana Lima, Angelina Jolie, Bar Rafaeli, Johnny Depp, Prince, Natalie Portman, Colin Farrell, Kate Upton