What Are The Best Questions To Ask A Psychic?

Love Psychic Indi
Top Clairvoyant Psychic / 20+ Years Experience / Spirit Guide Communication
Top Clairvoyant Psychic / 20+ Years Experience / Spirit Guide Communication

Many advice seekers aren’t sure how to prepare for a reading, and many also don’t know how to pick the psychic who’d be the best advisor for their needs. In this guide, we tackle both areas, and we also present you with tips on how to ask a free online psychic question to psychics from around the world – to make sure you make an informed hiring decision.

Whether you want to ask a yes or no question, or you’re looking for a list of questions to ask a psychic, this guide is for you!

Find out how to make the most out of a psychic reading

Preparing for a Reading

Different people have different needs – if you are generally an anxious person, it may help to take a few moments to center yourself. By closing your eyes and breathing deeply, you can bring your focus to the present moment and set an intention for getting a reading that will help you.

Centering helps almost everyone. What also helps is identifying the life area that you want to explore with your psychic. It helps to remind yourself that you are not getting a reading to hear what you want to hear. You want a reading to open your horizons, even if that means getting some bad news.

Many advice seekers find it helpful to prepare a list of questions. But putting a list together in and of itself might not be enough. Knowing how to formulate your questions is a skill, and one that can determine the course of your reading.

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Example Questions to Ask a Psychic

While you can go for yes/no questions, we suggest asking open-ended questions that will allow your advisor to access more varied divinatory information. Zooming in on the correct questions to ask a physic sets the tone even before your session, and will work to clear the spiritual channels between you, your chosen psychic and the universe. There’s nothing stronger than clear intention in our universe where like attracts like.

Before you make your list, here are some psychological and universal truths you may want to remember.

Where you are today does not have to be an influence on where you can be next month or year. You have the power to change everything.

Worrying creates negative vibes around the subject you’re focused on. And negativity can’t bring positive results. Try to identify the emotion that’s hiding right beneath your worries – is it fear? Or lack of trust in your ability to handle the situation? Lack of trust in the universe? Feeling stuck?

You can focus on your end-goal, but remember to be open-minded about how you’ll get there. The journey can be much different than what you imagine, and that’s completely okay.

Not every person’s energy is good for you and the same is true for psychic advisors. It doesn’t matter if the psychic is world-renowned or charges a high amount to show his experience etc. What matters is that the connection between you and the psychic is a good one – one where the energy flows easily.

Let’s now explore the kinds of questions to ask your psychic.

 psychic questions  psychic questions

Powerful questions to ask a psychic about love

What new information would the universe want me to know about my love life?

What are some things I can do to find true love?

What can the divine sources tell me about my current partner/relationship?

I need guidance to heal my relationship. What can the divine tell me about this?

I’d like to know how I can follow my heart and achieve my highest good.
What guidance do the spirit guides have for me?

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Powerful questions to ask a psychic about family

What new information/insights would the universe want me to know about my family?

What are some things I can do to find lasting balance and harmony at home?

What can the divine sources tell me about the desires and needs of my family members?

I need guidance to heal my home space. What can the divine tell me about this?

I’d like to know how I can achieve the highest good for my family. What guidance do the spirit guides have for me?

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 psychic questions  psychic questions

Powerful questions to ask a psychic about career

What would the universe want me to know about my career progression and finances?

What are some things I can do to find a meaningful job?

What can the divine sources tell me about my current job, work environment, coworkers and how I can get promoted?

I need guidance to heal my job situation. What can the divine tell me about this?

I’d like to know how I can achieve my highest good in my career and finances. What guidance do the spirit guides have for me?

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Powerful questions to ask a psychic during difficult times

Everyone faces difficult times at some stage in their life, though this could be different for everyone. Some people may be struggling with relationship issues, or financial issues, or fertility issues. A psychic chat can help you better understand your situation and also help with guidance on how to move forward. It can help you gain the clarity you need to find healing and acceptance.

Many people’s confidence takes a knock when they are going through a difficult time, which can make overcoming the situation even more difficult. A compassionate spiritual advisor can give that much needed push of strength for the person to keep going, helping them feel empowered.

Below are some questions you can ask a psychic during difficult times to help you gain the guidance you are searching for and get the most out of your reading:

What does the universe want me to know about my situation?

What are some things I can do to help get me through this difficult time?

What are some things I can do to find balance and harmony?

What can the divine tell me about ways to find healing?

How can I find purpose?

How can I tell if I am making the right decision?

What do these questions have in common? They are open-ended. They show trust in the divine wisdom. They let the universe know where you want to go and ask for advice about the how. This is the best way to get answers that will truly help you.

If you really want to ask yes/no questions, make sure they are black-and-white questions with no gray areas. That the answer can either be a 100% yes or a 100% no.

Asking a Free Psychic Question

Sometimes even if you have the best questions prepared, you still may not end up satisfied with your reading because your psychic wasn’t the right person for you. To prevent this from happening, use websites that give you the option to meet your psychic for free.

On Kasamba, every time you meet a new psychic, you get 3 minutes absolutely, completely FREE. This is the perfect time to see if you feel connection to the advisor. This way, before you enter a paid session, you have an idea about your psychic and what they can do for you. You know how they answer your questions and if their style suits you.

If your psychic advisor isn’t right for you, don’t feel obliged to stay for a session. Move on to another reader – check out their profile first, read the reviews written by other clients and this way you’ll make a better decision even before you start your free 3 minutes. When you find the right psychic, stay for a detailed session – it’s that simple!

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What are the best questions to ask a psychic in 2023?

Throughout a person's lifespan we face numerous situations on a daily basis that might be harder than others, and find ourselves getting stuck. These sticky situations can cause a rise in our levels of stress, anxiety, confusion, fear, doubt, suspicion, and foggy thoughts, which lead to questions down the line. These questions that are left unanswered can create blockages or halt us in our path. We need to find a bridge to cross these blocks on our path.

We must find ways that remove the stress, anxiety, and confusion that make the flow of life more challenging and create imbalances in our well-being.

We can ask questions to a psychic and return to our state of balance.

Psychic reading is a practice in which a psychic, who can read cosmic lights & energy, connects to your energy channel. Psychic readers use their intuition or psychic sense to create the connection with cosmic lights, spirit guides and angelic messages. Their soul’s energy will connect with your soul’s energy and will be able to reveal your situation or doubts to help you remove obstacles that block the flow of your life to continue on the path you desire.

Another practice is psychic mediumship, which is when a psychic reader connects with your loved ones in the spirit world and finds their message to reveal information that can relate to your current situation and beyond.

Based on the categories below, there are some good starting questions to ask a psychic that might spark a more intended directions for your reading:

Questions about love:
What is the future of my current relationship?
What should I focus on in my current love life?
What should I learn from my past relationship?
How can I heal from separation or divorce?
What will be the future of my relationship?
What should I know about my lover and love life?
Is she/he my twin flame or soulmate?
Why is my relationship suffering?

Questions about career:
Is this the right career path or job for me?
What do I do about my current career path?
Will my business be feasible for me?
Should I change my career?
When will I get a promotion?
Will my job change be the right decision?
How can I be more compatible with my boss?

About your Pet:
Will I find my missing pet?
What are soul gifts and bonds with my Pet?
How are they trying to communicate with me?
Is my pet trying to communicate something specific?

Questions about finances:
How can I better manage my financial situation?
Should me and my partner invest in real estate?
Should I relocate abroad or move?
Will relocation be successful for me?

Questions about family:
How can I manage my family better?
How can I align with my in-laws' family?
How can I find another partner after divorce?
How can I look after my children after divorce?

Questions about health:
How can I remove or improve bad habits?
How can I improve my health?
How can I improve my sleep?

Questions about spirituality:
What can you tell me about my past life?
What can you tell me about my past life regression?
Are there any deceased loved ones connecting to me?
Is there any spirit guide trying to message me?
How many spirit guides do I have?
What is my spirit guide's message to me?

If you want to seek answers or advice on any of these issues from a psychic, you will get the truth and find enlightenment when making important decisions. Psychics can’t change the path for you but they can show you lights in darkness to change your existing life path.
About Love Psychic Indi
Love Psychic Indi is a gifted clairvoyant reader who communicates with angels and spirit guides to bring you answers from a higher power. He strives to provide honest answers to all of your questions about the different aspects of your life such as relationships, career, and financial. Providing over 20 years of experience in helping people detach from the negative energies which may be controlling them.
Specializing in : Clairvoyant Readings | Skills : Psychic / Intuitive / Medium | Rate: Connect with me »
Specializing in :Clairvoyant Readings | Skills : Psychic / Intuitive / Medium | Rate:
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