Member: User_2238528
Absolutely covered in goosebumps at the end of this reading. The combination of sudden insights along with guidance amber provides are second to none and you can sense the quality of the reading from the start! Incredible, like shopping at the best store :)
Nov 12 2023
Member: User_2238528
I cannot say enough good things about Amber. She is so on point with every statement. Everything makes sense the way she says it:) she is so fast, so fast at typing and gives you the straight up scoop. she is the best.
Nov 10 2023
Member: User_2238528
Amber is a true guide in every sense, and when she lets the remote energy viewing loose she is just...breathtakingly good. You need to try her you will be covered in goosebumps in 2 seconds flat!
Nov 10 2023
Member: User_2238528
Amber is truly a lifesaver in every sense of the word. She is super connected she is incredibly fast typer and she gives you a resonance of deep knowing. Like you are hearing true advice she gives from a trusted family member. I am deeply grateful and more positive today bc of Amber!!
Nov 8 2023
Member: User_2238528
Wow, Amber is the beest…. Not that she tells you what you want to hear but she does tell you in a way you can take it. With such a positive spin and also there were some good and exciting parts for me to hear and because she weighs it with the reality in the 3D it actually makes me more excited to follow her advice and see what happens and in a weird way I am more hopeful:)
Nov 7 2023
Member: User_3845031
Amber is always great. I’ll continue to come back to her time and time again
Nov 5 2023
Member: Beth
Always amazing
Oct 31 2023
Member: User_9349832
Oct 21 2023
Member: User_7640262
So uplifting and caring thank you
Oct 20 2023
Member: User_3931568
I realky appreciate the awesome reading
Oct 18 2023
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  * Only ratings given for paid sessions under this category are counted.