Member: Tasia
Jacqueline is such a kind kind soul. She has such a healing energy and if you caught her on the phone, her voice is very healing. I just had a phone chat with her and even though it's cut out, her voice alone is very calming. She's also very positive. She truly is here to help and to bring forth her gifts to us. She reads my person accurately too. I'm hoping that predictions will be right. Her exercises have helped me, and with practice, I'm feeling more confident in doing the exercises correctly. Thank you so much, J. <3
Dec 18 2023
Member: User_1725780
Very sweet
Dec 10 2023
Member: User_2238528
Jacqueline is so kind and such a star. She gets it very nicely she is a lifeline to me and she has made predictions that have come true multiple times.
Dec 10 2023
Member: User_9972115
Thanks so much! I will check in again soon. Always such a pleasure!
Dec 9 2023
Member: User_2238528
Dec 9 2023
Member: User_2238528
Dec 9 2023
Member: User_4532310
Full of light and love
Dec 7 2023
Member: User_3899083
Thank you
Dec 6 2023
Member: ataralucy7
Amazing as always. She is so accurate and really looks into things in detail. So much positive energy as well. She is an angel :)
Nov 29 2023
Member: User_2238528
Can’t ever say enough about Jacqueline and I am so grateful to her guidance. She will CHANGE your life . You have to try her and you will see what I mean :)
Nov 29 2023
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  * Only ratings given for paid sessions under this category are counted.