Argus Visions

Specializing in: 



Astrology is a complicated science, but you don't need to worry about that, you got me!. The whole point of my astrology reading is that you feel that you learned something, whether it's about you or about someone you're interested in. Other Specialties  
About My Services

I know it's not easy at all to read Natal charts, identify angles, star alignments, planet positions and much more. I will do all the hard work for you to explain things to you in the most simple manner. Once you understand your own hidden secret traits you will know how to express yourself in a better way. You will not be misunderstood anymore. Why? because you will know exactly how to act and how to deliver your thoughts properly. Astrology doesn't have to be only about you. I can help you understand your partner and help you know why they act the way they do. It could be a relationship with someone you love, a family member, a work colleague or a friend. No matter what type of relationship you have, you can always make it better by understanding the nature of yourself and others around you. Astrology does not simply answer a question, it also provides analysis and explanation on why things happen. Your rising sun and your moon directly impact your personality. You know how you act at times, and you know how you feel at times. But do you know WHY you act the way you do? which force drove these actions? What was the cause of all these emotions? Why did you feel this way, even though a month ago the same thing felt different? I have all these answers and it all depends on the planet position and where your moon is sitting. I will explain all these things. I do not use complicated words and will make sure that you understand everything I say.

Experience & Qualifications

I have been reading birth charts and studying Astrology since 1997. It is my true passion and one of my favorite tools to use in readings. Astrology is more of an analysis based on your birth chart. I helped many people understand why certain things happened and helped many people dodge big obstacles that were coming their way. All you need to do is ask me why something has happened, and you will be amazed by the answer.


Officially Certified by Kasamba in Astrology. In addition, I have more than 20 years of experience