Birthday Horoscope
Happy Birthday, Virgo! You are in for a laid-back year when it comes to love and romance. However, your career path could be facing some dynamic changes and drama. Read on to find out what awaits you this exciting birthday year!
After a dramatic birthday year last year, things are a little more calm over the next twelve months. Virgos who got used to the excitement may be feeling a little lonely or bored this year. With your love life going back to normal, you can now focus on areas of life unrelated to romance that have been neglected. Friends who were cast aside so you could make time for your dating life will be making comebacks into your life. You should be able to smooth things over with no grudges held against you. Friends who were jealous of you last year, may be rubbing some juicy details in your face, but you can handle it. While it may be harder to find the love of your life this year, your friend and family relationships will become stronger than ever.

Singles may face a dry spell for love that leaves them looking for love in all pf the wrong places. Bad advice may come your way that only makes the problem worse. As 2018 comes to a close, you may be feeling depressed around the holiday season. Deep love connections will be harder to find. A shallow dating connection is likely to pop up early in 2019. This person will be very charismatic, but lacking in substance. It is advised to take things slow and protect your heart this birthday year. Next year is more promising, but for now be on guard. Focusing on high-quality for your love interests will benefit you in the long run.

Virgos who are in a relationship already are in store for a more relaxing year. It may not be the most progressive year, in terms of engagements and weddings, but you can still make the most of this quieter time. Ensure that the foundation is rock solid for you and your partner. If you are not 100% sure if this is the person you want to spend the rest of your life with, then now is the time to make some changes. There are not a lot of romantic temptations this year for couples. It is the perfect time to get to know your partner in full, and ensure that he or she is truly "The One" for you.

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There are a lot of changes taking place in your career path this year. If there are wars going on in your work environment, make sure you are on the right side of the battle line. You may have to question your ethics when someone asks you to do something that is a little shady. This moral dilemma hits you the hardest in the 4th quarter of 2018. On top of this, you are dealing with a co-worker who is taking your niceness for granted. You may find it hard to speak up, but try to give them the hint sooner rather than later. You don't want to get stuck doing someone else's job for them!

Changes in who you work for may also be taking place. A new job opportunity may arise early in 2019. You are sure to have anxiety over any potential big changes, but this shift could pay off in multiple ways. Monetary advantages, as well as networking opportunities, await those who are brave enough to make positive career changes this year. This is a wonderful year to work on the foundation of your career, and to figure out your long-term career goals. Those who are employed in business, law enforcement, and education will benefit the most in their careers this birthday year.

Financially, it is time to take a look at your long-term investing goals. This is boring to some, but can be fascinating to many Virgos once they get the ball rolling. You are gifted with allocating your resources this year. Getting some advice from an investor would not hurt things either. In addition, there are some things you have been wanting to remodel in your home. You may get involved with an expensive project. Home remodeling, car purchases, and investing are all worthy ways of dividing your spare income this birthday year.

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September 2018: A work situation may have you feeling unnerved. Keep your opinions to yourself. Workplace gossip is likely to cause you some complications if you are not careful. Key Date: Tension at work is most problematic on dates around September 3rd. No matter how nice you try to be, it seems that everyone is in a bad mood.

October 2018: Your partner is really getting on your nerves. An issue about double standards may get between you two. You just want things to be balanced and fair. Take the higher path, as the tension is sure to dissolve before you know it. Key Date: October 7th is when negativity hits your love life hard. Think before you speak in order to try to downgrade a fight into a minor squabble.

November 2018: Late in the year, you are starting to feel more lonely than usual. You are sick of your standard day-to-day routine. Think outside the box in order to cure your blues. Who is a friend that you haven't heard from in awhile? Catching up with them could help you forget your problems for awhile. Key Date: November 18th is an ideal day for conversing with old friends. You may be doing someone a favor just by showering them with a little attention. It is also a good day to work on cheering yourself up!

December 2018: The holiday season may be full of some family squabbling. As usual, it is up to you to be the glue that keeps the family together. Emphasize the values of love and forgiveness. Setting good examples for all will cure some of your stress migraines. Key Date: December 31st ends the year on an exciting note. You are looking forward to what 2019 has to offer. Having optimism about your future will lead you in a positive direction.

January 2019: You are forced to get more organized than usual this month. You may lose something valuable. Flipping the house upside down may help you find it, but it will also fill you with the desire to further organize your home and work space. Key Date: Your energy is at a peak around January 31st. Aim to get as much done as possible these days. You will be able to put your plans into action with minimal effort.

February 2019: Work is going well for you this month. It is a great time to focus on your career. Those who work for you will be aiming to please you and make you happy. Positive attitudes at work are highly valued right now. Key Date: On February 4th, you will be at a peak level of efficiency for work. Proactively try to get as much done as you can to make life easier when you are feeling less motivated down the road.

March 2019: You are ready to take an extended break and get away from it all. Take your best friend or partner only, and go see the world. The more exotic the location, the better. You will come back with more energy and personal growth that renews your inner spirit. Key Date: Travels around March 12th are especially enjoyable. Visit a famous landmark and play the role of a tourist. It will be a memory that you never forget.

April 2019: Your love life is blossoming right now. Make the most of the timing to work on your relationship. If you are single, it is safe to ask someone out on a date. Your neuroticism is at a low point, so you and your love interest are bound to have adventures this month. Key Date: Dates around April 28th are most ideal for romance. Take your sweetheart out for a night on the town. You both will enjoy the evening.

May 2019: You may want to change your image a bit this month. Whether it is a new wardrobe or a new hair color, make sure to ease yourself into the changes. You don't want to get stuck with a closet of clothes you hate, or even worse, a bad haircut that needs a year to grow out. Key Date: May 2nd is a wonderful day to do a little personal shopping. You are likely to score some bargains that appease your typically frugal spending limits.

June 2019: An uncomfortable work situation causes extra stress for you. Make sure that you stay on top of your work load so that you don't get boggled down. It is hard to stay motivated right now, but this negative feeling will likely pass soon. Key Date: June 21st is the change of the season. This is one of the happiest days of the month for you. Take the day off if possible and enjoy what life has to offer you.

July 2019: A special mentor or advisor will check-in on you soon. This person has incisive knowledge and advice to share with you, much to your benefit. Take notes so that you can make the most of your life path with their positive guidance. Key Date: A surprise conversation around July 10th is sure to influence your future goals. Before you leap into a decision, examine all of your options carefully.

August 2019: A financial pitfall may come and hit you out of the blue this month. You are likely to have savings to get you through any hardships, but if you are in a pinch, don't be afraid to ask for help. Many people rely upon you, so it is okay to ask for help when you need it for a change. Key Date: August 19th is when bad luck hits you the hardest. Make sure you wear your seat belt and be aware of your surroundings. It doesn't hurt to be prepared!

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Sonya starr Angel Sonya starr Angel
By Sonya Starr Angel
Specializing in: Psychic reading

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Color: navy blue
Gemstome: blue sapphire
Strengths: analytical, practical, hard worker
Weaknesses: obsessive-compulsive, shy, worrywart
Likes: cleanliness, computers, books
Dislikes: dirt, being in the spotlight, rudeness
Most compatible Signs: Taurus & Cancer
Least compatible Signs: Gemini & Sagittarius
Beyonce Knowles, Blake Lively, Sophia Loren, Michael Jackson, Cameron Diaz, Keanu Reeves, Pink, Raquel Welch, Salma Hayek, Shania Twain