Peaceful, Determined and Loyal – the Virgo Man Personality
Where the Leo and Aquarius can be the life of the party, the Virgo is the one who makes the party possible. They are the ones who organize things, ensure that everyone that matters shows up; they are the ones driving the bus to the event. Loyalty is a strong trait with the Virgoan. They aren’t shy but they aren’t attention seekers either. You may find yourself falling in love with one long before they fall in love with you. There is a quiet strength, a mysterious nature, a mysticism that draws the spirit and calls on your soul before the mind is aware of what is really taking place. They are for the most part confident without the need for bragging.How to Attract a Virgo Man
Lost in thought, he will scarcely share what is on his mind. Early in life, he is not prone to oversharing either. As he gets older, he may share a little more, but it’s still a bit of a guessing game with him. Many of you may have experienced that first hand. You’re free to share as much as you like - he’ll listen. He’s curious about you and what makes you tick. He’s a very deep thinker. He’ll dive into your soul and mind if you let him. He will want to know just what makes you tick. He has to know. All of the details about you interest him. They are fascinated by YOU.Having an interesting back-story is a must. But leave out all the dark details. He is not interested in who you dated, how it went, who hurt you and how. He tends to live in the now and not in the past. He is forever looking forward. If he has one major flaw, it’s that he looks too far ahead and can overlook his own past for the sake of planning his future
He’s forever planning a better life for himself and those that he loves.
Family and Friends come First
If there is a man in the Zodiac that will put his life on the line for his family, it’s the Virgo man. Especially in the face of physical danger. He’s the man that will run into the house that’s engulfed in flames for those that he loves. Whether or not he makes it out alive is an afterthought.Home is where the heart is for him. So a stable family life is what this man lives for. His partner, his children are what drives him to succeed and do better. Ambition is directly tied into his need to provide for those that he loves.

The Darker Side of Paradise
A Virgo man can be tempted. Even if things are great in a relationship, he can find himself stepping out of line more than just about any sign. The perfect husband and father can lead a double life. If things aren’t great on the home front you can pretty much guarantee that he will be looking for attention elsewhere. All of this leads to the reason why and that reason may surprise you. As selfless as he is, he is also in need of a lot of attention. Even if he’s getting the best kind, the most of it one can have at home, he still wants and thinks that he needs more. Like a drug, they almost can’t get enough. This can go hand in hand with substance abuse.You may have to end the relationship once, twice or just walk away. Once this pattern has begun, it can seem impossible to see any hope. Professional guidance by a qualified Kasamba advisor can be helpful if not crucial in getting you through this phase of your destiny. We are more than just predictions.
Divine Love Manifest
Within the complicated man that is the Virgo, we also find a Divine light. We find within him a deep-sea diver, capable of reaching depths of knowledge and wisdom that would baffle other signs. His love and dedication to the Divine self is without compare. He is the secret guru, the survivalist who can recite every verse of some abstract scripture. He is dedicated to the Divine light in every area of his life. He can be the most spiritual man that you have ever met. The balancing act between light and darkness is very real for him.Ying and Yang
Because he is MAN. He is never truly satisfied. He needs goals. He needs to feel that he is working towards something. Once he is satisfied is when he can stumble. He’s not the man that you want to do everything for or with. The man who you spoil endlessly. He can’t take unfiltered, unconditional love. He doesn’t need a short leash. He needs to know that there is something in you that remains a mystery. He needs to keep trying to impress you or prove himself to you. Once you open up completely and give your heart to him, he’ll switch off. Nothing more for him to see.You would be well advised to encourage him to continue seeking and cultivating his Divine nature. Practicing it together is a great way of ensuring he remains in the light. If you aren’t a spiritual practioner of any kind, now would be a great time to start. If you already are, then dig deeper and stay there.

Gear up
When dating a Virgo man, you want to be prepared with all of your life skills. Some of you are naturally inclined to be strong and assertive and don’t have a problem keeping a man living within the confines of your beliefs. But the Virgo can also be assertive and demanding in his own right. He’s not looking for a strong assertive woman. Getting exactly what he wants though, is a recipe for disaster for him. You are going to have to become a much stronger version of yourself.You can’t give into his every whim. Keep him on edge. Do not let him leave you. You leave him. Be ready to have your bags packed and out of town. Set a strong message that you won’t stand for anything but EVERYTHING. He’ll oblige! He wants his demure and sensitive partner to put him to his place. But only in a way that doesn’t give him any options. You cannot negotiate with him. He’ll respect that. Tears don’t hurt him but your absence in his life will. Every partner we have comes with lessons. They teach us to rise and shine brighter than ever before. It’s even better with the Virgo man.
Rise together as one, one rung at a time all the way to 7th heaven.

Contributing advisor:
Divine Messenger Zuco
Divine Messenger Zuco
Virgo Compatibility with Other Signs
Know with whom you share the best and worst
relations with, based on your Zodiac Sign