2016 Birthday Horoscope
Happy Birthday, Libra! Over the next year, you are in store for some big changes. You may have been stuck in a rut for years, but all of that is about to change for you. This is a year where areas of your life that have been "dead" come back to life with a vengeance. For both your love life and your work life, developments are on the horizon. Continue reading to find out what is coming your way this birthday year!
Your love life may have been on the back burner the last couple of years. Not only were you not content with the situation, but you were not driven to do anything to change the situation. Your planetary ruler, Venus, is pushing you to snap out of it. This birthday year, singles will find themselves hunting after multiple love interests. By the end of 2016, someone will have your attention, but you are enjoying playing the field too much to settle down. It is not until next June that you are ready to make a relationship official. Until then, expect to have a lot of fun dating while you make up your mind.

For Libras who already have a partner, you are going to be compelled to focus on rekindling passion in your love life. Everything is going great between you and your partner, but you are finding that you have extra energy to burn. Early in 2017, you may be attempted to have an affair. You will quickly see this is a false path and choose to remain loyal to your long-term sweetheart. By 2017 midyear, you and your partner are more solid than ever. You have the power to avoid any major crisis that you want to avoid this year (i.e., breakup, divorce).

Libras, in general, are blessed in romantic communication throughout 2017. You have all the right moves and know just what to say, thanks to Jupiter's influence. It is meant to be a magnetic year for love. This birthday year, you are in the limelight. Use the attention to your advantage to make your relationship goals a reality.
Libras are finding that they care more about play than work this birthday year. It may be harder than usual to concentrate or stay motivated due to all the action going on in the love department. There are only so many hours in a day, so be careful not to slack off to the point of getting in trouble. You can only juggle so much. November 2016 is an especially stressful time where you are noticing too many projects on your plate.

Adding to complications is April 2017's Mercury Retrograde. Do you your best to be caught up on your work and prepare for the worst. You may feel like you are jinxed in the workplace and you keep misplacing things. The anxiety passes by around mid-May and things start to go back to normal.

Some good does come from the recent chaos and negativity. In June, you start to revise your long-term Career plan. You have seen the downsides of your current position. By September, you may already be moving toward an alternative career path. This alternative path is one that will rewrite your story so that your work path has a happy ending! Finances may be stable on your current path, but you will be headed to a bright financial future by the time you get to your next birthday in 2017!
October 2016: You start your birthday year off in high spirits. You feel confident, and all looks to be going well with friends, love, and work. Key Date: October 28-29 looks good for a weekend out on the town or socializing with friends. Your love life is hot this weekend.

November 2016: Stress is higher than usual this month. Don't bite off more than you can chew at home or at work. It will probably take you longer than you initially estimate to finish tasks. Key Date: Watch out for November 15th as this is the estimated peak for stress at work.

December 2016: You end the year with some excitement and on a high note. Your personal energy should be high this month, allowing you to accomplish your end of the year projects. Key Date: The week of December 25th could be one of the best of the entire year. Let loose and have fun!

January 2017: The theme for this month is adjusting to some lifestyle changes, thanks to your strict New Year resolutions. Don't be so hard on yourself! Key Date: The close of Mercury Retrograde on January 8th has you feeling sluggish. Sleep in and do what you can to distract yourself from the blues.

February 2017: You may find yourself too focused on your work and career path to make time for your love life. Be sure to mark Valentine's Day on your calendar to avoid the wrath of your partner. Key Date: February 26's Solar Eclipse in Pisces will have you lost in fantasy and leads to concentration issues.

March 2017: Keep your stress in check this month. You may be feeling overwhelmed by the rough start to 2017. Key Date: The weekend of March 17 shows an increase in miscommunication. Aim to keep matters light with your loved ones to avoid unnecessary fights.

April 2017: Unfortunately, April is not a good month, due to Mercury Retrograde hitting you hard. Do your best just lay low. Key Date: April 30th is a day of frustration. Take a planned vacation day to avoid major headaches at work.

May 2017: You are finally starting to feel better and more like your typical self. This is a good month for travel and financial planning. Key Date: May 19-20th would be a good weekend for a road trip or short getaway. Let off some steam after April's chaos.

June 2017: Your love life takes the center stage. Now is a good time for the "next step." More commitment will have you feeling safe and secure in your relationship. Key Date: June 21, the first day of summer, is a great day for romance. Whether you are proposing or asking someone out on a date, it is bound to be a wonderful day for love.

July 2017: Problems with family, especially your children or siblings, is possible right now. Do what you can to take the higher path, or the situation will only get worse. Key Date: July 1 has you feeling confrontational and argumentative. Spend the day solo to avoid a fiasco with loved ones.

August 2017: Despite another Mercury Retrograde, his should be a relatively harmonious month, with little to no problems. Enjoy the peace and take it easy! Key Date: August 21's solar eclipse in Leo will have you craving the limelight.

September 2017: This is a good month to travel and get away from it all. Try to plan for at least one weekend getaway this month. You won't regret it. Key Date: September 15-18 is a great period for your career sector. You will shine at work and be on your boss's good side. Use this to your advantage!

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Color: Blue
Gemstome: Emerald and Turquoise
Lucky numbers: 5, 10, 15, 41
Strengths: Social butterfly, fair-minded, team-player.
Weaknesses: Holds grudges, indecisive, manipulative
Likes: sharing, harmony, partnerships
Dislikes: fighting, rudeness, liars.
Most compatible Signs: Leo and Sagittaruis.
Least compatible Signs: Cancer and Capricorn.
Eminem, Kim Kardashian West, Zac Efron, Brigitte Bardot, Avril Lavigne, Monica Bellucci, Kate Winslet, Gwyneth Paltrow, Toni Braxton, Will Smith, Tommy Lee, John Lennon, Gwen Stefani.