Spirits Voice
1,034readings since 2022readings (2022)
About my servicesDo you wish to know what will happen next? Get accurate and truthful insights into your past, present, and future. Let us guide you with clarity and confidence on your life journey.
About meDo you want to know whats your partner really feels about you? All of your problems will be solved if you find out if your partner is telling the truth or cheating. Allow me to give you peace of mind. Natural psychic abilities has been past down through many generations.I am a 4th generation psychic. I can remove all the negativity and change it with positive energy and help you deal with all issues such as love, career, relationships etc. Contact me for a genuine and sound advise. I will offer you nothing but the truth, and help you to make the right decisions in your life, whether your uncertainty lies in: Romance, and Relationships Business and your Career Family Life, and Marriage Personal Growth and Emotional Well-Being or if you’re just curious about the path you’ve chosen in life. I can help to clear away a lot of the doubt around you, and offer the affirmation you need to further your life path, or help you to find the strength and guidance you need. I was born a psychic. I am a 4th generation psychic medium and healer from a lineage of very spiritual and empathetic person. My great grandfather was a psychic, healer and spell caster. People would travel on foot for miles to see him. My grandfather was renowned for his psychic abilities and for healing others.It was in my childhood that my psychic ability became apparent with prophetic dreams. On one hand my gifts where beginning to unfold, yet on the other hand I was being burdened with a sensitivity that I had no idea how to use or even understand. Thus began a long and at times painful journey to develop the empathy and maturity to truly help others with my psychic gifts. **Please note** You must be 18 years of age or older to enter my chat. I do not take the place of qualified medical professional. I am not responsible for the decisions or actions made. I only seek to empower my clients to reach their full potential.
Asha 333
11 Jul 24
Very positive
Asha 333
11 Jul 24
Thank you doe the reading
07 Jun 24
She was AWESOME!
06 Jun 24
Wonderful reading!
04 Jun 24
28 May 24
She went into details about the issues I was running into. Spot on! Gave the way forward and wants to do a follow up.
19 Apr 24
Great explanation
16 Apr 24
Vet positive and gave a great session
13 Apr 24
Advisor was polite and welcoming asked a lot of questions regarding poi that I was unsure about as normally not so much information is required. Unsure about reading not really in tune with what other people have said or predicted. But people read differently and that is why they are so many advisors available. I guess we connect with certain people and others not as well. Quick to respond some of the reading I felt was not to what I asked about but i guess it is just the way this advisor is.
11 Apr 24
Helpful and hopeful
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Spirits Voice
Spirit Guide Readings
0readings since readings ()
Spirits Voice
Spirit Guide Readings
Kasamba Inc.