About my servicesI am highly experienced and intimacy . Are you thinking about how to start sex with your partner i can guide you and teach you how to start and convince your partner . Let me issue with your sexual life and answer directly to all your questions.
About meAstrology Certificate
Numerology Certificate
Graphology Certificate
Chinese Astrology Certificate
Vedic Astrology Certificate
Spell Casting Certificate
Honest God gifted reader intuitive Psychic If your looking for a full fast detailed reading Im the one to help you in every phase of the life.
I will help you in karma and chakra balancing. And give you the best remedies and predictions in your life to take a right path.
Not the best reading, I couldn't get the answered that I wanted...
13 Feb 25
Thank you!
13 Feb 25
WSE said that my POI would call me and make good on his dinner plans for this evening, even though he so childishly and immaturely cancelled over my taking care of business earlier this afternoon. Well, within 30 minutes of the end of my chat session with WSE, he called, tried to blame me for his cancelling. When I pushed him into a corner about his reasons for canceling (he blamed me as the reason even though we hadn’t spoken at all since the invite), he could not give me any reason at all that made any sense. He talked about a dress that I purchased back in early January as part of the reason. Forget the fact that I bought it with hopes that he would take me to a formal event two weeks ago. Then he came up with some other lame excuse, which I again asked him what it had to do with dinner plans for this evening. He didn’t answer that question yet tried to keep tossing excuse after excuse. He finally gave up and said he will pick me up at 6:30 tonight. WSE was right in her prediction again. But she leaves out the hell that I’m about to go through on the way to those predictions. Maybe I should try to be more specific in my line of questioning. But, the bottom line is that she was right.
13 Feb 25
13 Feb 25
very warm and inviting only time will tell if accurate, very insightful
13 Feb 25
12 Feb 25
she is the best advisor. everything she says comes true! she helps in every area and can see everything!