Solstice December Solstice December
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The hidden realm and its gate keeper

Ancient people believed mystical gates open on Solstice nights and powerful God, Demigods and creatures come to your aid and fulfillment. But only a few are ever capable of truly unlocking these gates and getting past the guard of Karma. Are you the chosen one this year?

The Solstice falls on December 21 [western astrology] and Jan 14 [Vedic astrology]. It means: The South Pole of the earth will be tilted toward the Sun, which will have reached its southertnmost position in the sky and will be directly over the Tropic of Capricorn. This is the first day of winter (winter solstice) in the Northern Hemisphere and the first day of summer (summer solstice) in the Southern Hemisphere.

Powerful Solstices happen rarely, creating a bridged pathway between the celestial objects. These events by general definition relate to the movement of Sun from one sign to another. Vedic astrology beliefs and texts relate to this fine day with a million possibilities.

An occasion to celebrate, regenerate and sometimes if you are tuned in, uplifting you out of your mundane troubles. The powerful days & nights of Solstice can change one’s life.

This Winter Solstice, the most powerful one over many years,
presents a small window of opportunity to start afresh.

Vedic astrologers called the six months stay of the Sun towards Southern Hemisphere as Devine nights and the northern hemisphere transit as Divine days. The days before this event are good to close existing pending things & decisions. The day of the Solstice is good for new beginnings.

Capricorn the silent, wise ever influencing catalyst, inspires us to look deep and wonder how brilliant our dreams are.

Here is your chance to go along with the celestial flow
and turn towards positive, more fulfilling,
meaningful and successful life.

Personal revolutions for the right mind packing a brilliant ray of the Sun in inevitable. People who have planned for the upcoming year will get hints on their chances of making their dreams a reality. For those of you who haven’t been taking their karma seriously, this event is a natural warning. Things which were dull, mystified till now will be clear and thinkable for some time during this day and the wise would meditate deep into themselves to find answers to their troubles.

Vedic Gurus believed the day has three special activities:
steadying yourself, involving yourself and studying yourself.

The first is being able to complete your daily activities of purifying yourself before the Sun rises and praying to Sun for greater ability to visualize, more opportunities and great health. The second involving yourself marks devotional acts like donation, social support and spending a few hours on a global cause. The third act is to bind yourself in the later hours with the celestial river and feel its flow and contemplate the peace and joy you have in your life.

Your Solstice Forecast

Capricorn - increase in maturity, fitness & discipline

Aquarius - subconscious rising, watch out for loss in finance & legal

Pisces - social upliftment, personal relationship troubles

Aries - focus on career, social events & raise in stature

Taurus - journeys, higher education and spiritual inclination

Gemini - gain in finance, travel, cure from ailments

Cancer - new contracts, partnerships and financial gains

Leo - past issues remerge; finance & work remain stable

Virgo - luck & love in favor, good news awaited

Libra - time to buy, car, home, overall satisfied & relaxed

Scorpio - new initiatives, relationship trouble, past mistakes

Sagittarius - personal upliftment, higher values & confusions

Solstice December

Making a thoughtful resolution this day will bring in a positive effort in the next 15 days.

According to the legend, the Sun riding his great chariot harnessed by the seven divine horses are coming up towards a great big bend on their journey. The time is auspicious and being at your best would mean getting an opportunity to be blessed by him. The same night the young and beautiful Chandra[Moon] riding his chariot of 10 horses across the night watches over the world as if a gardener tilting his upcoming new germinations.

When the event is over, a few prepared chosen ones will achieve a path to glory while others will miss the golden ticket. Vedic experts agree with religious experts on the point that this day brings in tremendous surge in energies and people who are prepared for it will obtain benefits.

This is indeed true for people who are experiencing financial stress, relationship issues or other misfortunate situations over the last 4-5 months. The moon powers the unconscious with the sun simultaneously controlling the conscious, hence the day marks an occasion when we are more tuned to our unconscious and could probably peep into our true selves.

The impact of this day will vary by the Southern & Northern Hemisphere with your proximity to the equator.

Your birth city, day and time along with your rising Sign are influenced with varying degrees of impact on this day onwards, hence taking an expert opinion is always good to maximize your chances. I wish everyone a Merry Christmas & a great new year ahead.

Solstice Winter Solstice Winter

The above 5 mantras, if pronounced and recited properly, fulfill inner desires and wishes. They praise the power and magnificence of Lord Sun and his capabilities to convert dreams to reality. They speak of his features as in thousand rays and lighting all directions with significance & knowledge.

Contributing advisor: Shambhavi Sharma, Astrologer

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