Magic Ingredients for Finding Love Online How to find love on online dating sites - 3 magic ingredients

3 Tips to Find True Love Through Online Dating

By: Compassionate Kate
In the world of online dating, it's too common now for many to get caught in the "net" with and by others that are not true soul mates. Many relationships unnecessarily suffer heartaches, emotional distress, and ultimately end due to clashing differences.

Too often, I find myself helping others recover from such dismay after they've already wasted a lot of time, energy and resources while searching for love and ended up finding unhealthy relationships. Such relationships stem from unhealthy online flirting activity occurring on dating sites. This virtual activity has evolved so quickly that I refer to it as "Flirtualism" - actions or behaviors characteristic of those who flirt on dating sites in an unhealthy manner.

The good news is, not only can we prevent this Flirtualism from spreading, but there's also an antidote for those who have been affected by it. Despite one's past or present circumstances, 3 Key Factors: Character, Compatibility and Connections, give hope that it's still possible for all to find love and have a healthy and prosperous life with one another.

1 - Character

The initial step for one to attract an ideal soul mate is to identify the true character of one's self. The most effective way to do that is to write down the character traits one desires to share 'a good life' with. So, before even beginning virtual online flirting activity, it is best to first write down the character traits of the person one desires to share 'a good life' with.

Next, review the list to be sure that it aligns with your current and desired character traits, because due to the Universal Law of Attraction, like attracts like.

Consider this example: If I write down, "I want someone to love ME", then I will attract mates who each want the same exact thing, "I want someone to love ME." Since like attracts like, people who each want "I want someone to love ME" will likely not attract "someone to love".

We each have the free will to want what we want. If you want to attract an ideal soul mate, be sure to begin your list with the words, "I want to attract an ideal soul mate who has the following character traits to share 'a good life' with me for the rest of our lives."

There is a lot of power in words, especially in the order and arrangement of words that are rooted from such strong emotion. One word, one sentence, the order of those words, really does make a HUGE difference.

So, be very clear, descriptive and careful when you write down the character traits of the one you want to share 'a good life' with for the rest of your life. And know that you can always edit your list - add, delete, rearrange your words - your wants, because what you want is for your mate to be highly compatible with you. Which brings us to the second key factor.

2 - Compatibility

Compatibility, seeded and rooted from true character, also stems from the Universal Law of Attraction. Therefore, if you discover that the character traits you wrote down for your desired mate do not align with your current character traits, then you're just not ready yet to be in a healthy interdependent romantic relationship.

It would be a waste of time, energy and resources to be in a relationship where one or more settled for less than what they really wanted. If anything, make the best use of your time, energy and resources and focus on investing in yourself during this alone quality time. More than likely, you'll find yourself adding to your list before, and even after you meet a compatible soul mate. And make no mistake about it; it is healthy to continuously develop good authentic character.

Too often, many do make the mistake of confusing character with expectations. It is true; there should be no expectations in romantic relationships. Expectations disappoint. Compatibility based on true character does not disappoint. Any and all soul mates bring out the best in one another, not the worst.

The saying "True love is like fine wine, it only gets better with time" is true. You and your highly compatible soul mate will continuously give each other opportunity to learn, grow and thrive independently, as well as interdependently with one another.

True character that is highly compatible with another's true character cannot be faked. Even before this virtual virus came into existence, "faking it" is how most relationships result in irreconcilable differences. And in romantic relationships, those who have expectations or 'fake it' will struggle, again and again and again with multiple partners, especially with the third key factor.

3 - Connections

I'm talking about "Meaningful Connections" - the character of two ideal soul mates aligning with one another. When your list of an ideal soul mate's character traits aligns with your character traits, then you are ready to begin connecting with others in sincere and meaningful ways.

These meaningful connections will begin to happen online, as well as offline when you begin flirting in a healthy manner on virtual venues. With the many virtual venue options to choose from, with many online dating sites, begin the process with a reputable site that you intuitively believe an ideal soul mate would choose.

Unless one of your character traits is 'short and quick', choose an online dating site where you can provide descriptive character traits about your true self, as well as the ideal soul mate you want to attract. Remember to be careful with the wording in your online presence because every word has power.

As you continue to invest time, energy and resources in yourself and in your online presence, you'll attract an ideal soul mate that does the same. Don't shy away from the lengthy process required from reputable online dating sites, and don't be afraid to ask for what you want, because what you want is an ideal soul mate.

Ultimately, when two romantic soul mates begin to connect in meaningful ways, what solidifies that romantic meaningful connection is the KISS. If you haven't yet experienced the power of that KISS, consider the movie, Pretty Woman - remember that moment when Julia Roberts and Richard Gere have that KISS?

We witness this KISS in many movies because in our core, they know that we feel it, we connect with it. Why? Because we either remember or want that same meaningful connection with our own ideal soul mate.

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