Both the Fall and Spring Equinox occur when the sun crosses the celestial equator giving equal hours to the day and night.
When is this Fall Equinox?
The Fall Equinox occurs just as the sun enters Libra each year. It can occur anytime between September 12st to 24th, and this year, it occurs on September 22nd. Libra is the sign of the Scales and is all to do with balance. Taking the good and the bad and blending these to come up with a solution that means a win/win. So too can you balance your life by taking what was great from the Summer into the Fall.You can look at the Fall Equinox as a following of the seasons, whereas there are two Equinoxes, one in Spring and one in Fall and two Solstices, one in Summer and one in Winter. The Equinoxes and Solstices fall three months apart and follow the course of the Sun as it moves into Aires (Spring), Cancer (Summer), Libra (Fall) and Capricorn (Winter).
The meaning of the Fall Equinox
Just as our ancestors have followed the seasons to plant crops in order to survive, we can also follow the Equinoxes and Solstices in order to work in harmony with the pattern of our lives. The Spring Equinox equals the sowing of seeds, of ideas. The Summer solstice sees these seeds come into full bloom, our ideas blossoming. The Fall Equinox gives us a sense of getting ready for the Winter months ahead, conserving and slowing down our energy. Whilst the Winter solstice is a time to look within ourselves to plan our next move.
There are a few key astrological changes going on around this Equinox. On the day of the Equinox, Mercury will be coming out of retrograde giving you some breathing space from all of the communication mix ups of the previous few weeks. Jupiter will also be very close to the Sun in Libra when the Equinox occurs giving you a sense of luck and expansion in your life. The new moon in Libra is on the 30th, again in close contact to Jupiter, allows you to launch this new period of your life with a sense of adventure.
It is interesting how the above cycle can also be attributed to most changes you are going through in your life. First you plan, then you enjoy your plans, you adjust your plans and take time out to reflect on what you will do next.
How can you prepare yourself?
During the Fall Equinox, you may like to use this time to take note of all you have reaped during the Summer months where you hopefully were able to spread your wings a bit and felt freer for being outdoors more. Summer usually makes our mood soar as there is far more light around, whereas Winter can dampen our spirits and make us more inward focussed.Use this Fall Equinox to balance out what was great about the previous 6 months for you and what you can take from this into the following 6 months. The days may be shorter but this doesn’t mean your life needs to be too constrictive. Come up with plans on how you can do more outdoors, get more fresh air and generally plan for what is next for you in life.

Harvest the positive experiences you have gained and take them forward in a place within yourself to allow them to take hold and grow. Remember not all growth needs to be seen on the “surface”, some of it happens on an invisible level like your own personal acorn, planted with care, ready to bloom again next Spring!
For those of you, like myself, who are in the Southern Hemisphere, September 22nd sees us enjoying the Spring Equinox. A time to plant the seeds of new ideas, carrying them forward to the Summer Solstice where they can come to fruition and we reap the bounty of what we have sown.

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