Summer Psychic Energy

Written By Expert Honest Psychic Ozark Seer

When summer finally arrives and everything is in full bloom and growing it becomes a time of connection for me. Everywhere things are so full of life and I feel it's easier to sense the connection with the earth than at any other time. And since I am feeling more connected to the earth at this time of year it is easier for me to channel these types of energies. I feel this is because there is more available energy for me to work with at this time. I find that there are different kinds or types of energy available during the different seasons and even holidays. And as a result these different types of energies help me to answer the different kinds of questions I get at these other times of the year as well.

But to me summer is about life, beginnings, love, relationships, expansion, travel and growth. So it is at this time that I get most of these types of questions since these are the types of issues and energies that people are experiencing more of at this time of year. I personally find that the summertime is also a period of growth for me as well. I am able to get together with others of a like mind, so to speak, and I am able to share with these other people the face-to-face knowledge and understanding that I use in my workings with people. This helps give me a greater realization and comprehension of how the world and these energies around me interact with my intuition and experience. As a result of these interactions I am able to better understand how these energies affect myself and my clients and this helps me to be more open to what my instincts and intuition are telling me.

Summertime is the most creative time of the year in my opinion and as such it really helps me get in tune with people in a more relaxed and comfortable manner. I also notice that this really helps my clients to open up more and by doing so they are better able to get to the root of their questions. And as a result, this helps them find the path that they are seeking in a more timely manner.

Summertime is also a time when we find ourselves refreshed and revitalized with this new emergence of energy. Things just seem to move into sync and fall into place easier when this energy is flowing. This is a time when it is easier to meet new people and make new relationships as well. Of course it is easier to meet people at this time of the year because more people are out and enjoying themselves, so it stands to reason that there will be a lot of what I call "Do they really like me?" energy about at this time of year as well.

I would be honored to assist you in your life path, my chat is open and waiting!

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Ask Cristina!

Dear Cristina,

It seems as though my entire life and experiences have pushed me into the teaching profession -- a profession which I love very dearly. I am newly graduated from Teachers College, and I have been getting supply work (despite competition). However, my fiance and I cannot afford me to just supply every once in a while (1 every 2 weeks). Currently, I am collecting Employment Insurance until September. Further, two full-time job postings came available in my area (that start in September) and I have applied for both. I have some anxiety that I will not get the job I really want (teaching music), and more anxiety that we are going to sink into debt come September. Could you please tell me what you see, in my financial and career future, from now until the end of 2013? Thank you in advance. --Lisa S

Blessings and thank you for allowing me to do a reading for you on this situation, Lisa.
First, you must be aware that you are anxious about something that has not happened yet. You must turn this vibration around so that you manifest the job teaching music. I see you working and getting one of these jobs you've applied for. However, your greatest success will be doing supply work, perhaps at a later date when you can take on more clients and work. Or when you've been teaching for awhile. I see that as your goal. Unemployment at this point helps, but limits your full potential, because you aren't likely to market what you are doing now so as not to lose benefits on something so insecure. Nevertheless, it will bring you success later on.

You don't have to worry about sinking into debt. You have the skills and knowledge and gifts to be thrifty. I see this strongly in you so you've gotten out of debt before, or rather been able to pay just what you need to. So you are still strong in this area. Focus on what you have, rather than what you don't have and it will be easier to slip out of debt instead of into it. You don't go buying what you don't need. You ask yourself if it's absolutely needed first. If you haven't in the past you will now!

I see you working in your area and your job will come from one of these post listings. You may expect a call for an interview in the following weeks. You could also apply to substitute teach to get familiar with the schools, just a suggestion since I don't see you care for that line of work at this time. But it is helpful.

You have too much going for you to be so worried. Your mate loves you and you him and I see you both connecting very well at this stage in your lives and marriage is soon. You will have all you need to make your lives even more complete than it already is. The good news is you are overall pretty happy and optimistic about life. - Cristina

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